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Conan Exiles Wiki

Simple Armor Improvements

Thin Armor Plating
Thin Armor Plating
A set of reinforcing plates that can attached to increase the strength of armor
类型 工具
等级 低级
最大堆叠 10
重量 0.5
ID 41069

Thin Armor Plating流放者柯南中的一种消耗品

描述[ | ]

Designed to protect in battle, it can be disastrous if armor shatters beneath a powerful blow. Wise warriors seek to shore up their weaknesses, often by reinforcing the weaker joints of their armor.

Attaching these thin plates to any set of clothing will increase its armor value slightly.

来源[ | ]

原料 产出 制作时间 (以秒为单位) 经验值获得量
10 Icon plant fiber-1 植物纤维
10 Icon ingredient rope 合股绳
1 Icon modkit arm increaseArmor t1 Thin Armor Plating 10.0 90