Conan Exiles Wiki



Conan Exiles Wiki

Simple Armor Improvements

Armor Reduction Kit
Armor Reduction Kit
A kit used to identify and remove superfluous weight from armor
類型 工具
等級 低級
最大堆疊 10
重量 0.5
ID 41068

Armor Reduction Kit流放者柯南中的一種消耗品

描述[ | ]

In the Exiled Lands, armor can range from the bone and feathers of the Darfari to the heavy plate worn by members the Silent Legion. Due to cultural stylings, many of these armors include elements that are not necessary to the primary purpose of armor - protection.

This kit contains various tools for identifying and removing additional weight from a set of armor, while still maintaining its protective properties.

來源[ | ]

原料 產出 製作時間 (以秒為單位) 經驗值獲得量
10 Icon plant fiber-1 植物纖維
10 Icon ingredient rope 合股繩
1 Icon modkit arm reduceWeight Armor Reduction Kit 10.0 90