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Conan Exiles Wiki

Advanced Repair Kits

Advanced Armor Patch Kit
Advanced Armor Patch Kit
A patch kit for repairing damaged armor
類型 工具
等級 中級
最大堆疊 10
重量 0.5
ID 41022

Advanced Armor Patch Kit流放者柯南中的一種消耗品


Conan's dark scarred face was darker yet with passion; his black armor was hacked to tatters and splashed with blood; his great sword red to the cross-piece.
~ 《血色城堡》

A warrior needs to be able to rely on their armor in the heat of battle. When the broadswords swing, a layer of leather or steel can mean the difference between life and death.

This patch kit, containing scraps of metals, leather and hide, can be used to repair the most egregious insults to a piece of armor, though it will never be able to repair them completely.


原料 產出 製作時間 (以秒為單位) 經驗值獲得量
7 Icon leather 皮革
4 Icon ingredient rope 合股繩
6 Icon steel bar 鋼塊
1 Icon repair kit leather Advanced Armor Patch Kit 15.0 282