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Conan Exiles Wiki

Food are the basic and advanced consumables for survival in Conan Exiles.


缩略图 名称 描述 重量 饥饿度恢复 口渴度恢复 耐久度 备注
Icon sealed waterskin 密封水袋 密封的皮质袋子,用于储水 3 0 25 0
Icon gruel 难闻的稀粥 0.3 1 0 0.01
File:Icon abysmal flesh.png 深渊生肉 Flesh harvested from the Abysmal Remnant 0.4 Raw: Food Poison
File:Icon cooked abysmal meat.png 经过烹制的深渊肉 经过烹制的深渊遗怪的肉 0.4 100 Cooked: Regeneration
File:Icon exotic flesh.png 异域生肉 从异域动物身上割下的生肉 0.4 21 0 0.56 Raw: Food Poison
File:Icon roasted haunch.png 烤腿肉 经过烹制的异域生物的腿肉 0.4 82 0 0.28
Icon fat grub 肥硕的蛆 十分恶心,但能吃饱 0.1 5 5 4.17
Icon feral flesh 小型生肉 从小型兽类或禽类身上割下的生肉 0.1 11 0 1.67 Raw: Food Poison
File:Icon shredded roast.png 烤肉屑 经过烹制的小型生肉屑 0.1 22 0 0.42 Cooked: Regeneration
File:Icon savoury flesh.png 美味生肉 从普通野生动物身上割下的生肉 0.2 16 0 0.83 Raw: Food Poison
Icon grilled steak 烤肉排 经过烹制的厚片多汁肉 0.2 42 0 0.33
Icon gruel 难闻的稀粥 0.3 1 0 0.01
Icon spoiled gruel 变质的粥 变成绿色的粥 0.3 0 -20 0.01 Raw: Food Poison
Icon handful of insects 一捧昆虫 这可以勉强果腹。 0.05 1 0 4.17
Icon human flesh 人肉 从其他人类身上割下的肉 0.4 8 -3 0.01
Icon human flesh grilled
File:Icon purified flesh.png 经过洁净的人肉 经过仪式净化的人肉 0.12 76 26 0.01
Icon shaleback egg 岩背怪的蛋 营养丰富的食品,偷自岩背怪的巢穴 0.1 11 5 1.67
File:Icon putrid meat.png 烂肉 不管它以前是什么,现在都不能吃了 0.3 10 -20 0.02 Raw: Food Poison
Icon arena ritual offering 竞技场仪式供品 献给血腥战斗的供品 0.4 100 100 0
Icon eyes of innocence 无辜之眼 Eyes taken from a being of pure innocence. 0.4 8 5 .01
File:Icon devil's bonemeal.png 魔鬼的骨粉 0.4 100 100 .01
File:Icon rotten devil's bonemeal.png 腐烂的魔鬼骨粉 一大团发臭的黑色物质 0.4 -100 -100 0.01
令人倒胃口的鱼 Raw flesh harvested from small fish. 0.1 Raw: Food Poison
可口的鱼 Raw flesh harvested from fish. Raw: Food Poison
异域鱼肉 Raw flesh harvested from exotic fish. Raw: Food Poison
令人倒胃口的贝肉 Raw flesh harvested from middling shellfish. Raw: Food Poison
可口的贝肉 Raw flesh harvested from shellfish. Raw: Food Poison
异域贝肉 Raw flesh harvested from exotic shellfish. Raw: Food Poison
经过洁净的水 清澈的水
肉干 经保存处理的动物肉
鱼干 Preserved fish flesh.
浆果干 一捧浆果干
高原浆果 红色的小浆果 0.05 1 0
沙漠浆果 蓝色的小浆果 0.05 1 0
经过烹制的鱼肉 Steaming bowl of fish. 0.1
经过烹制的可口鱼肉 Steaming bowl of fish. 0.1
经过烹制的异域鱼肉 Steaming bowl of fish. 0.1
经过烹制的贝肉 An assortment of shellfish, hot and prepared. 0.13
经过烹制的可口贝肉 An assortment of shellfish, hot and prepared. 0.13
经过烹制的异域贝肉 An assortment of shellfish, hot and prepared. 0.13
高原浆果果肉 红色的浆果果肉
沙漠浆果果肉 蓝色的浆果果肉
水藻朗姆酒 清澈的橙色调烈饮
苦艾酒 具有神秘绿色调的烈酒
麦芽酒 一种相当提神的饮料
高原酒 具有浓郁香料味的酒
仙人掌酒 令人难以想象的饮料,甜度比预期要高 0.1 0 10
烈酒 口感索然无味,但后劲十足 0.1 5
蜂蜜酒 由发酵蜂蜜制成的饮料
树脂酒 有着浓郁芳香的深色酒
蜜酒 一种非常甜的葡萄酒
沙漠葡萄酒 一种特别解渴的酒 0.1
蘑菇啤酒 有着奇怪的气味,但口感还不错ay.
葡萄酒 葡萄的恩泽,神赐的饮品
面包 一条面包
牡蛎肉 从牡蛎身上割下的生肉 Raw: Food Poison
Oyster Omlete
百年蛋 透出氨水气味的深绿色蛋
灌木干肉条 Strips of feral meat, dried and salted.
腐化的茶 辛辣但却略带芳香的不详液体
调味粥 略带一丝风味的粥
经过烹制的牡蛎 经加热的牡蛎
浆果汁 浆果制成的甜饮料
改进后的粥 这是粥,但闻起来确实很香
用于净化的茶 有着刺鼻的气味
肉条 Cooked strips of succulent meat.
烤蘑菇 Bowlful of cooked mushrooms.
热茶 Hot and smelling of winter spices.
药草茶 A medicinal brew.
蘑菇茶 Shroom tea with a zesty kick
加了香料的烤肉屑 Zesty scraps of feral meat.
香料 Powdered, exotic flavors. 0.1 1 Temporarily Raises Temperature
White, crystalline granules. 0.1 Decreases Hydration
烤虫子 Roasted bugs on a skewer.
加了香料的蛋 Zesty cooked eggs.
Egg Surprise A delicious looking egg.
经过烹制的蛋 Eggs, sizzling hot.
盐腌的浆果 A small snack, both savory and sweet. 0.13
浆果汁 浆果制成的甜饮料
可口的盛宴 Heaps and heaps of glorious meat.
野兽盛宴 Mounds of cooked, feral meat.
A hearty bowl of broth and other bits of food.
加了香料的牡蛎 Cooked and zesty oysters.
加了香料的茶 A zesty brew.
加了香料的肉排 Zesty slab of succulent meat.
可口的干肉条 Strips of succulent meat dried and salted.
达法的虫子汤 Full of things with no legs or too many legs.
加了香料的汤 A zesty soup.
芦荟汤 A green soup with no meat at all.
种子汤 A soup of boiled seeds.
黄莲花汤 Soup boiled from that infamous blossom.
恶魔之血香肠 Links of blackened meat.
加了香料的肉片 Zesty meat wrapped in crocodile skin.
辣椒沙漠风格 Meaty and eye-wateringly spiced.
骨头汤 Under the delicious broth is something that was recently...human.
异域盛宴 A decadent display of choice meats.
Feast of Yog
加了香料的腰腿肉 A zesty haunch of exotic meat.
献给赛特的盛宴 A ritualistic meal in honor of Set.
献给米彻的盛宴 A ritualistic meal in honor of Mitra.
肉食杂烩 Various meat scraps cooked together.
牛排和蛋 Slice of meat and sizzling eggs.
蘑菇炖菜 A stew floating with mushrooms.
西米里亚餐点 It's hot, and its filling.
丰盛的炖菜 Chunks of succulent meat floating in a stew.
犀牛头汤 Soup from a great beast's head.
持久食物 A heavy and fatty meal.
精致的炖菜 Chunks of exotic meat floating in a fine stew.
丰盛的餐点 A meal both filling and flavorful.
献给尤弥尔的盛宴 A ritualistic meal in honor of Ymir.