Conan Exiles Wiki



Conan Exiles Wiki

In Conan Exiles you are a hungry and thirsty survivor and your very first battle is against the harsh environment around you. 种植 crops or 狩猎 animals for food. 采集 资源s to build 武器s and 工具s. 建筑 a shelter to survive. Ride across a vast world and explore alone, or band together with other players to build entire 居住地s and 要塞 to withstand fierce invasions.

When strong enough, march forth into battle and wage war against your enemies as you fight to dominate the exiled lands. Sacrifice enemy players on the altars of the gods and shift the balance of power your way. Unleash your fury in savage, fast-paced combat and execute bloody and bone-crushing attacks that will see heads rolling and limbs flying.

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