Conan Exiles Wiki


Below the palps he could see the spider's fangs, a pair of curved, shiny, sharp-pointed organs like the horns of a bull, curving out and then inwards, so that the points almost met..
~ Conan and the Spider God

These daggers, crafted in worship of the god Zath, are symbolic representations of the purifying venom of Zath. They tear and rend flesh with the same enthusiasm as the spider god himself.

Daggers are a weapon used with passion by the untrained and with a cold dispassion by the trained. Unseasoned warriors consider swords the superior weapon - until they come across a master, twin blades flashing as they dash and dart within the reach of their enemies and disembowel them.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Altar of Zath
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
5 Icon branch Branch
30 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
20 Icon jhebbal sag blood Venom-purified blood
1 Icon zath daggers Zathite Daggers
20 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
30 s 130

See Also[]


Repairing Zathite Daggers requires up to:


The Zathite Daggers can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:

For slightly more materials, you can use the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench:
