Conan Exiles Wiki


For an instant a dimming witchfire glimmered in those dusky depths; then it disappeared, and Conan lay staring down into the blackness of the ultimate abyss from which no sound came.
~ Xuthal of the Dusk

Witchfire is an alchemical component, created by ancient scientists as a waste product on their ultimate path to radium gems.

Witchfire powder is created by combining glowing plants and brimstone.

The powder can be used in the crafting of heatless, blue torches.


  • A good source of Witchfire Powder is harvesting the defeated corpse of Wights.
  • All tools average out to about the same.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Alchemist's Bench, Improved Alchemist's Bench, Trade Alchemist's Bench, Precision Alchemist's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
8 Icon brimstone Brimstone
2 Icon glowing essence Glowing Essence
1 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder 10 s 96


Used in the following Recipes Information
Construction Hammer
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
5 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder
5 Icon leather Leather
1 Icon branch Branch
1 Icon ingredient rope Twine
1 Icon a03c1 khitaislaver fireworksprop Blue Smoke Fireworks 0 s 1934
5 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder
5 Icon leather Leather
1 Icon branch Branch
1 Icon ingredient rope Twine
1 Icon a03c1 khitaislaver fireworksprop Red Brockade Fireworks 0 s 1934
Alchemist's Bench, Improved Alchemist's Bench, Trade Alchemist's Bench, Precision Alchemist's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
10 Icon crystal Crystal
3 Icon alchemical base Alchemical Base
1 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder
1 Icon radium gem Radium Gem 15 s 482
Artisan Table, Aquilonian Artisan Table, Argossean Artisan Table, Khitan Artisan Table, Turanian Artisan Table, Nemedian Artisan Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder
5 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
1 Icon witchfire standing torch Witchfire Standing Torch 10 s 404
1 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder
5 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
1 Icon witchfire wall torch Witchfire Wall Torch 10 s 404
Carpenter's Bench, Improved Carpenter's Bench, Trade Carpenter's Bench, Precision Carpenter's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
10 Icon branch Branch
2 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder
5 Icon blood black Black Blood
2 Icon ostrich feather Feather
10 Icon arrow light Firespark Arrow 20 s 796
Thaumaturgy Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon sorcery grimoire Tome of Kurak
1 Icon scrawled note Sorcerous Spell Page
50 Icon blood black Black Blood
100 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder
1 Icon sorcery grimoire Tome of Kurak 8.2 s 1