Conan Exiles Wiki


Valis the Loyal is a worshipper of Hanuman the Ape God. He can be found praying at the foot of an ancient Hanuman statue in Hanuman's Grotto. Around him are a circle of ghostly figures who also worship at the statue and beside him a moldy note that reads:

The other may have perished a long time ago, but I will remain. My loyalty will not be swayed by the disgustingly feeble creatures in this cave, nor will the lack of food or clean water dismay me even a little. Hanuman tests me. I know it. I will be rewarded, given time.

Armed with a trident and hostile to anyone who disturbs the sacred space, adventurers strong enough to best the loyal servant (3-skull) would do well to cut out his Withered Heart and offer up its sacrifice to the Ape God and be blessed.


  • Valis the Loyal does not suffer stun damage and cannot be converted into a Thrall.
  • Additionally, Valis the Loyal has the highest Thrall HP known should you convert him to a Thrall by other means.
  • Always drops Icon withered heart Withered Heart upon his death, which can be offered to Hanuman in exchange for a chance to get Icon BoonOfTheGorilla Boon of the Gorilla.


Valis the Loyal can be found at the following locations:


Notable Loot[]

Harvestable Loot

Limited Harvestable Loot


The standard equipment of the NPC can also drop as loot:



