Conan Exiles Wiki


This flesh has not known the touch of a blade and is therefore ritually pure in the eyes of the Yog religion. The desert men of Darfar, even those who are enslaved in the great city states that make up the kingdom of Shem, partake of ritually pure human flesh at least once every cycle of the moon.


One Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat is acquired by using a Icon darfari bone club Yog Cleaver or Icon darfari bone club Blessed Yog Cleaver on a human corpse.


Used in the following Recipes Information
Pit of Yog, Rift of Yog, Abyss of Yog
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat 1 Icon blessed yog meat Purified Flesh
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
20 s 0
5 Icon branch Branch
20 Icon stone-1 Stone
20 Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat
1 Icon yog cudgel Yoggite Cudgel 5 s 50
Rift of Yog, Abyss of Yog
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
5 Icon branch Branch
60 Icon bone-1 Bone
10 Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat
1 Icon darfari short spear Yoggite Bone Spear
10 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
20 s 10
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
10 Icon bone-1 Bone
5 Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat
1 Icon darfari gauntlets Yoggite Skin Bracers
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
10 s 912
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
20 Icon bone-1 Bone
5 Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat
1 Icon darfari chestpiece Yoggite Skin Chestpiece
3 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
10 s 912
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
10 Icon bone-1 Bone
5 Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat
1 Icon darfari boots Yoggite Skin Greaves
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
10 s 912
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
15 Icon bone-1 Bone
5 Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat
1 Icon darfari leggings Yoggite Skin Skirt
2 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
10 s 912
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
10 Icon bone-1 Bone
5 Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat
1 Icon darfari mask 01 Yoggite Watcher Mask
5 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
10 s 912