Conan Exiles Wiki


The watchmen did not accost him but swung on down the street, while the crowd opened a lane for them. They were Pelishtim, squat, hook-nosed, with blue-black beards sweeping their mailed breasts - mercenaries hired for work the ruling Turanians considered beneath themselves, and no less hated by the mongrel population for that reason.
~ The Man-Eaters of Zamboula

Offering significantly more protection than light armor, this medium armor incorporates a balance of protection and agility. This middle of the road approach brings compromises of its own because this armor is neither as strong as heavy armor, nor as flexible as light armor.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Armorer's Bench, Improved Armorer's Bench, Stygian Armorer's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon armorpadding medium Medium Padding
12 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
8 Icon leather Leather
1 Icon turan medium head Turanian Mercenary Headgear 10 s 320

Armor Set[]

This piece of equipment is part of the following armor set:

Turanian Mercenary

169 base armor, Strength Weapon Damage +15%, DLC Treasures of Turan Pack
T tooltip warmIconT tooltip warmSlotT tooltip warmSlotT tooltip warmSlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlot (10), T tooltip coldIconT tooltip coldSlotT tooltip coldSlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlotT tooltip emptySlot (5)

See Also[]


Repairing Turanian Mercenary Headgear requires up to:


The Turanian Mercenary Headgear can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench or the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:
