Conan Exiles Wiki



On the landward side mangonels rained boulders and tree-trunks among the defenders, shattering through roofs and crushing humans like beetles; rams pounded incessantly at the stones; sappers burrowed like moles in the earth, sinking their mines beneath the towers.
~ The Scarlet Citadel

This base piece of the trebuchet, once placed on a siege foundation, can be upgraded with a frame to reach full functionality.

In the so-called civilized kingdoms of Hyboria, nobles build great palaces with walls of mighty stone to protect themselves from their enemies at court and abroad.

The solution to sturdy walls and cowardly nobility is the steadfast trebuchet. A machine of immense power, the trebuchet can be used to fling stones, corpses and even specially designed explosives.

Their weakness is their immobility, they cannot be easily moved once placed and finding the correct range and angle requires time and patience. With repeated use, it is almost certain that some or all of the pieces of the trebuchet will degrade and need to be replaced.


Created from the following Recipes
Trebuchet Base
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
500 Icon wood-1 Wood
150 Icon stone-1 Stone
1 Icon trebuchet frame Trebuchet Frame 30 min 1300


Recipes: Tier 2
Outcoming item Ingredients Craft time Experience
1 Icon trebuchet Trebuchet 500 Icon wood-1 Wood
150 Icon stone-1 Stone
30 min 1300


Repairing Trebuchet Frame requires up to:

