Conan Exiles Wiki


He sensed an inexorable driving fate behind all this. He could not escape. He was as much a captive as he had been in the pits of Belverus. But he was no son of the Orient to yield passively to what seemed inevitable. If he could not escape, he would at least take some of his foes into eternity with him.
~ Conan the Conqueror

At first glance, this mace seems very primitive. On closer inspection, however, a remarkable amount of care has been put into sharpening the jagged edges of it, enabling it to shred, rather than bash, through most armors.


  • The Wyrd inflicts concussive damage in addition to lethal damage.
Concussive Weapons and Kits
Name Light
Level Can use
Icon truncheon Truncheon 15 20 10 No
Icon blunted javelin Blunted Javelin 20 20 21 No
Icon truncheon iron Iron Truncheon 25 30 30 No
Icon legendary mace 02 Lovetap 30 45 Found Yes
Icon truncheon steel Steel Truncheon 35 40 50 No
Icon truncheon steel Reinforced Steel Truncheon 40 45 Found No
Icon truncheon steel Coup de Grace 40 45 Found No
Icon truncheon steel Szeth's Truncheon 45 50 Found No
Icon truncheon steel Heavy-weight Truncheon 50 55 Found No
Icon blunt arrow Blunted Arrow 55 55 35 Yes
Icon a03c1 khitaislaver 1h truncheon The Tiger's Truncheon 90 120 Bought Yes
Icon purple lotus orb Purple Lotus Orb 25 /second 10 No
Icon modkit wpn increaseConcussDamage t1 Simple Blunted Weapon Fitting +10 +20 26 -
Icon modkit wpn increaseConcussDamage t2 Blunted Weapon Fitting +20 +40 39 -
Icon modkit wpn increaseConcussDamage t3 Advanced Blunted Weapon Fitting +30 +60 51 -
Icon OilOfConcussion Oil of Concussion +100 +100 0 -
Lethal Concussive Weapons
Icon stone club-1 The Wyrd 20 20 Found Yes
Icon legendary pike 05 Staff of Hanuman 25 25 Found No
Icon legendary hammer 04 Baal-pteor's Lodestone 30 45 Found No
Icon legendary mace 05 Universal Mace 43 47 0 Yes
Icon menagerie mace Voidforge Mace 43 47 Found Yes


The item can be looted from Legendary Chest Legendary Chests or the following NPCs Information:

See Also[]


Legendary items cannot be repaired.


The The Wyrd can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:

For slightly more materials, you can use the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench:
