Conan Exiles Wiki
T TemperatureMap

Temperature map

Temperature is the influence of hot and cold weather on the player. Though this is primarily determined by where the player is on the map, a few enemy attacks, pieces of equipment, and consumables are capable of temporarily affecting the player's temperature, either positively or negatively.

The increased hunger and thirst rates can be countered by the Survivalist perk from Expertise.

Temperature levels[]

Icon Status Description Effect
T BuffIconHeatstrike Heatstroke Thirst rate increased slightly. Stamina Consumption increased. Causes damage over time. Thirst rate +50%, Stamina cost +100%, -24 health/s
T BuffIconExtremelyHot Extremely Hot Thirst rate increased slightly. Stamina Consumption increased. Causes damage over time. Thirst rate +50%, Stamina cost +50%, -12 health/s
T BuffIconVeryHot Very Hot Thirst rate increased slightly. Thirst rate +50%
T BuffIconHot Hot Thirst rate increased slightly. Thirst rate +50%
(Soothing) (None) None
T BuffIconCold Cold Hunger rate increased slightly. Hunger rate +50%
T BuffIconVeryCold Very Cold Hunger rate increased slightly. Hunger rate +50%
T BuffIconExtremelyCold Extremely Cold Hunger rate increased slightly. Stamina Consumption increased. Causes damage over time. Hunger rate +50%, Stamina cost +50%, -12 health/s
T BuffIconFrostbite Frostbite Hunger rate increased slightly. Stamina Consumption increased. Causes damage over time. Hunger rate +50%, Stamina cost +100%, -24 health/s

Temperature resistances[]

Characters have individual resistance values to T tooltip warmIcon heat and T tooltip coldIcon cold that reduce the effect of extreme temperatures, increasing the range of temperature a character can tolerate before moving towards T BuffIconHeatstrike Heatstroke and T BuffIconFrostbite Frostbite.

UI representation[]

Temperature resistance values for items and the overall character stats are summarized as "bars" instead of a direct numeric value, with each bar roughly equal to five points of protection. More specifically:

  • A value of 0 is represented as no bars
  • Values from 1 to 4 are represented as 1 bar
  • All other values are represented as (value + 1) / 5 bars, rounded up (5-9 is 2 bars, 10-14 is 3 bars, etc.)

This means that two pieces of equipment with significantly different numeric values will often appear to have the same resistance, e.g. Icon light exile cap Light Turban with resistance values of 1 and Icon heavy exile helmet Heavy Helmet (Epic) with resistance values of 4 are both represented as one bar.

Resistance thresholds[]

The following resistances are required to attain the target temperature levels in the hottest and coldest regions in the Exiled Lands.

Location Target Required Resistance
Volcano Extremely Hot T tooltip warmIcon ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌(10)
Volcano Very Hot T tooltip warmIcon ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌(20)
Volcano Hot T tooltip warmIcon ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌(30)
Volcano Soothing T tooltip warmIcon ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌(40)
Temple of Frost Soothing T tooltip coldIcon ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌(50)
Temple of Frost Cold T tooltip coldIcon ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌(40)
Temple of Frost Very Cold T tooltip coldIcon ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌(30)
Temple of Frost Extremely Cold T tooltip coldIcon ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌(20)

As can be seen from the above table, you need a minimum of 20 heat resistance to not take heat damage in the hottest parts of the volcano, and 30 cold resistance to not take cold damage in the Temple of Frost. These are just base levels and do not take into consideration things like Coldsnap.

Resistance from consumables[]

Food and drinks can provide temporary boosts to resistances. These last for 90 seconds each and come in three levels of potency, indicated by pluses on the buff icon.

Warming Up[]

T BuffIconWarmingUp Medium T tooltip coldIcon Cold resist +19

Cooling Down[]

T BuffIconChillingUp medium T tooltip warmIcon Heat resist +19

T BuffIconChillingUp heavy T tooltip warmIcon Heat resist +29

Resistance from equipment[]

The following are lists of all equipment in the game by their temperature resistances.

Cold resistance[]

T tooltip coldIcon Cold resist 1

T tooltip coldIcon Cold resist 2

T tooltip coldIcon Cold resist 3

T tooltip coldIcon Cold resist 4

Heat resistance[]

T tooltip warmIcon Heat resist 1

T tooltip warmIcon Heat resist 2

T tooltip warmIcon Heat resist 3

T tooltip warmIcon Heat resist 4
