Conan Exiles Wiki


This finely wrought iron guardian is not just a mere statue -- it's a powerful defensive tool for any adventurer brave enough to command it. Built using an ancient process known only to a select few, the guardian can understand and follow simple commands, and it will protect its master with its life.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Golem Workbench, Golem Workbench (Black Lotus Bazaar), Golem Workbench: Blood Crystal
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
200 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
10 Icon ingredient steel reinforcement Steel Reinforcement
25 Icon alchemical base Alchemical Base
20 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem leg bronze shop Tarnished Iron Guardian Leg 5 s 1010

See Also[]


Golem Master

Bazaar Set "Golem Master"
