Conan Exiles Wiki
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Surge Defender is one of The Exiles Journeys.

The requirement to unlock this journey is going to any Leyshrine on the Isle of Siptah.

The reward for completing this journey is the Golden Stygian Raider Armor and Golden Stygian Raider Epic recipes.


The Surge is a test of strength and endurance - surviving it can be very rewarding.


Icon Step Description Exp Notes
Explore Discover a Leyshrine Leyshrines are places on the Isle of Siptah where arcane energies may gather and call upon the powers of the maelstrom to invoke a Surge.

These leyshrines can be identified by their pyramid-like structures, surrounded by braziers.
5 Awards The Temple Achievement
Knowledge Unlock the Elder Constructions Knowledge Within the confines of the Leyshrine lies secret knowledge of Elder Constructions required for harnessing the power of the maelstrom and summoning Surges. 25
Explore Enter the Maelstrom The Isle of Siptah is frequented by a storm called the maelstrom. While within the maelstrom, you will be attacked by creatures form the outer void. Slay these creatures to obtain their essences. 50 Awards Beyond the Wall of Sleep Achievement
Acquire Gather ???? Summoning a Surge requires ???? - a substance impossible to describe but immensely powerful. You may find this essence by slaying creatures that come from the maelstrom. 100 Awards The Silver Key Achievement
Dominate Summon a Surge The broken Focus Altars at Leyshrines may be temporarily repaired with Hardened Steel Bars. Once repaired, ???? can be used to focus the energies of the maelstrom into the Focus Altars and summon Surges. 150 Awards The Other Gods Achievement
Dominate Defeat a Surge Enemy Defeat an enemy summoned forth from the Surge. 500 Awards The Outsider Achievement
Dominate Knock out a Surge Enemy Most human Surge enemies can be knocked out and dragged to your Wheel of Pain. 200
Dominate Complete a Surge A surge will persist until the final encounter of the surge has been defeated, or a certain amount of time has passed. 250
Dominate Convert a Surge Enemy By dragging a knocked-out enemy to the Wheel of Pain, you begin the process of breaking them so they will serve you as thralls.

Crafter thralls increases crafting efficiency or allows you access to previously unknown recipes.