Conan Exiles Wiki


The Exiled Lands stand as a testament to the efficacy of weather at destroying the works of man. When the wind howls across the landscape and the sand scours everything in its path, there are few buildings that survive for very long. However, the supernaturally large insects of the Exiled Lands have developed a natural secretion that helps to protect them against the environment. Ichor from these creatures, when soaked into twine and bound to a stone surface, can be placed into a furnace and hardened into bricks that provide excellent protection against the rigors of the Exiled Lands.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron, Giant's Firebowl Cauldron, Precision Firebowl Cauldron
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
2 Icon resin Resin
5 Icon plant fiber-1 Plant Fiber
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant 10 s 330


Used in the following Recipes Information
Construction Hammer
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
300 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick
100 Icon ingredient steel reinforcement Steel Reinforcement
100 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon crafting furnace t3 varB Fuel-Efficient Furnace 0 s 147000
300 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick
100 Icon ingredient steel reinforcement Steel Reinforcement
100 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon crafting furnace t3 varA Heat-Efficient Furnace 0 s 147000
Artisan Table, Aquilonian Artisan Table, Argossean Artisan Table, Khitan Artisan Table, Turanian Artisan Table, Nemedian Artisan Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved bat Devolved Bat Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved bat Devolved Bat Statue 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved bird Devolved Bird Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved bird Devolved Bird Statue 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved demon Devolved Demon-Spider Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved spider Devolved Demon-Spider Statue 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved drowned Devolved Drowned Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved drowned Devolved Drowned Statue 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved fiend Devolved Fiend Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved fiend Devolved Fiend Statue 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved goblin Devolved Goblin Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved goblin Devolved Goblin Statue 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved harpy Devolved Harpy Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved harpy 01 Devolved Harpy Statue (Variant A) 10 s 13200
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved harpy 02 Devolved Harpy Statue (Variant B) 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved serpent Devolved Serpent-man Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved serpent Devolved Serpent-man Statue 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
5 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon insignia devolved wolf Devolved Wolf-man Insignia 10 s 6600
15 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon statue devolved wolf Devolved Wolf-man Statue 10 s 13200
5 Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon eldarium plinth Eldarium Plinth 10 s 66000
50 Icon stone-1 Stone
10 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon khitai statue lastlegion Khitan Legionary Statue 5 s 13300
200 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
25 Icon ingredient pitch Tar
1 Icon Water Shrine Pool of Refreshment 10 s 66600
Charcoal Kiln, Furnace, Improved Furnace, Heat-Efficient Furnace, Fuel-Efficient Furnace, Improved Furnace (Kiln)
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon ingredient brick Brick
1 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick 10 s 12
Golem Workbench, Golem Workbench (Black Lotus Bazaar), Golem Workbench: Blood Crystal
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
100 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
1 Icon explosive jar-1 Explosive Jar
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem head explosivejar Explosive Guardian Head 5 s 71960
200 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
10 Icon ingredient iron reinforcement Iron Reinforcement
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem arm ironslag battlepass Iron Slag Guardian Empty Arm 5 s 66720
100 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
5 Icon ingredient iron reinforcement Iron Reinforcement
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem head ironslag battlepass Iron Slag Guardian Head 5 s 66360
200 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
10 Icon ingredient iron reinforcement Iron Reinforcement
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem leg ironslag battlepass Iron Slag Guardian Leg 5 s 66720
500 Icon stone-1 Stone
100 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
10 Icon ingredient iron reinforcement Iron Reinforcement
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem torso ironslag battlepass Iron Slag Guardian Torso 5 s 133320
200 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
10 Icon ingredient iron reinforcement Iron Reinforcement
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem arm stone Stone Guardian Empty Arm 5 s 66720
100 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
5 Icon ingredient iron reinforcement Iron Reinforcement
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem head stone Stone Guardian Head 5 s 66360
200 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
10 Icon ingredient iron reinforcement Iron Reinforcement
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem leg stone Stone Guardian Leg 5 s 66720
500 Icon stone-1 Stone
100 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
10 Icon ingredient iron reinforcement Iron Reinforcement
5 Icon bloodcrystalstone Blood Crystal
1 Icon golem torso stone Stone Guardian Torso 5 s 133320