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Smelting Process
Smelting Process
Levels: 1-60
Author: Joschilein8343389


This Guide gives you an overview over Furnaces and their use.

Furnace Strategy[]

  • You can use a Icon furnace Furnace, an Icon improved furnace Improved Furnace and Icon CraftingStation Furnace Kiln Improved Furnace (Kiln)
  • Recipes, burn times and Thrall Benefits are the same in every type of furnace, the only thing that differs is the number of slots in its inventory.
  • A bigger inventory is better to reduce a possible downtime of the furnace because you can put more stacks of stuff into it. But if you struggle in early and mid game to upgrade to Improved Furnaces, then better stay with standard Furnaces and just build more of them.
  • At least one furnace must have a Icon round bottomed mould Glass Flask Mold to be able to produce Icon round bottomed flask Glass Flasks. Put every Icon glass Glass and Icon crystal Crystal into it to collect a suply of Glass Flasks (for Icon water orb Water Orb/Orbs and Icon purified water Purified Water/Food).
    • Crystals could also be a source for Icon salt Salt/Food, but Salt could also be made from Icon stone-1 Stone which is easier to collect in masses.
  • This furnace could also be the Multi-Purpose-Furnace, where you also put in other stuff like Icon silver Silverstone or Icon gold Goldstone or Icon starmetal ore Star Metal Ore.
  • For a long time you might have more furnaces than Smelter-Thralls. As you get your Thralls put them in order of their level into the furnaces, the same order you want to fill your furnaces with ressources. Then you get your products faster and with a lower amount of burned fuel. In times with a high demand you can also let the empty or low level thralled furnaces run, if fuel or ressources are low you just use the most efficient thralled furnaces.
  • Don't put every possible ressource into a furnace because you might not get out the product you want the most. Candidates for this unwanted use are Icon ingredient steelfire Steelfire (turns Icon iron ore-1 Ironstone into Icon steel bar Steel Bar instead of just Icon iron bar Iron Bar), Icon brimstone Brimstone (turns Icon iron ore-1 Ironstone or Icon iron bar Iron Bar into Icon hardened steel bar Hardened Steel Bar instead of just Icon steel bar Steel Bar) and Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant (turns Icon stone-1 Stone into Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick instead of just Icon ingredient brick Brick).
  • It is up to you if you use only a specific recipe for a specific furnace or if you switch recipes according to your demand.
  • Icon obsidian bar Composite Obsidian can only be made in the Volcanic Forge, which only exists once on the whole map and has no slot for a thrall. If you want to make it, you have to take at least a lot Icon steel bar Steel Bar with you and collect Icon obsidian Obsidian on the way or take it with you from previous Volcano-Trips. 10 Icon obsidian Obsidian and 1 Icon steel bar Steel Bar take 10 seconds to make 1 Icon obsidian bar Composite Obsidian.

Fuel Strategy[]

  • In the beginning every fuel is good enough. Most likely you have to use Icon wood-1 Wood.
  • Put only one type of fuel into one furnace. One type of fuel is picked and the furnace will stop after it is consumed without continuing with the next type of fuel. You then would have to press start again. Therefore additional types of fuel only take away the slots in the furnace. If you have a mixed supply of fuels then put one type in the first furnace, the next type into the next etc.
  • Some fuels have higher priorities and should not be used as fuel in the furnace:
    • Only Icon bark-1 Bark can be used as fuel in the Icon tannery Tannery / Icon epic tannery Improved Tannery (to make Icon hide-1 Hide) and in the Icon dryer Dryer (to make Icon drywood Dry Wood). It would be a waste to use it for other purposes.
    • Icon branch Branches is used in a lot of recipes. Some have a high demand of it like Icon spike Spike and various types of Arrows. Better save the Branches for theses things. It also has a very bad burntime.
    • Icon plant fiber-1 Plant Fiber is used in a lot of recipes and will go in masses into Icon ingredient rope Twines, Icon gruel Gruel, Icon spice Spice or Icon fertilizer Compost. It also has a very bad burntime.
    • Icon wood-1 Wood is a acceptable but possibly lacking fuel for the first steps into the game. Most of the first building blocks (like Icon Foundation-1 Sandstone Foundation or Icon wooden box Wooden Box - until you can make Icon chest Large Chests) and the workstations need relatively huge chunks of wood. Later a lot of it will go into Icon drywood Dry Wood and Icon ingredient plank Shaped Wood.
  • Some fuels are better to use for smelting:
    • Icon coal Coal: In the Beginning Coal is not as present as you would need it and with bad tools you would have trouble to make it your primary fuel. Later it can be collected in larger quantities and is a possible fuel. A possible bottleneck could be Icon ingredient pitch Tar. If your playstyle involves the constant use of Skinning Knifes you might not have trouble making Tar. But if you have trouble, you could use Coal with a bad 25:1-Ratio to make Tar.
    • Icon drywood Dry Wood: It is used to make Icon insultated wood Insulated Wood, but what is left could be used as an excellent fuel.
    • Icon oil Oil: It is recomended to have some Oil left for other purposes (like Icon modkit wpn increaseDamage t2 Weapon Damage Kit), but that could stay in a Icon liquid separator press Fluid Press. Every additional Oil could be used as fuel. Oil can be massproduced with Icon fishing trap Fish Traps. For one Oil you need 1 Icon rawBadFish Unappetizing Fish or 5 Icon rawFish Savory Fish or 10 Icon rawGoodFish Exotic Fish. One Fish Trap won't bring you very far, but what about 10, 50 or 100 Traps? You don't have to run around the world to collect stuff, just collect the slowly but automaticly catched fishs, put them into an array of Fluid Presses and have as much Oil as you want. These three types of Fish can also be cooked into Icon meat strips Fish Strips, as food for yourself and your Thralls, which allows you to constantly use a Skinning Knife instead of a Cleaver on animal corps.

Possible Fuels[]

Fuel Burn Time (in seconds)
No Thrall T1 & T2 T3 & T4
1 Icon bark-1 Bark 20.0 25.0 30.0
1 Icon branch Branch 5.0 6.25 7.5
1 Icon coal Coal 35.0 43.75 52.5
1 Icon drywood Dry Wood 48.0 60.0 72.0
1 Icon oil Oil 48.0 60.0 72.0
1 Icon plant fiber-1 Plant Fiber 2.0 2.5 3.0
1 Icon wood-1 Wood 10.0 12.5 15.0

Chest Organization[]

At first storage space is rare and ressources will be stored everywhere, sometimes even furnaces and other workstations can be used as a temporarly storage. Later storage rooms can be a valid strategy where you have a lot of chests to store everything. To reduce travel time and distance a few chests around your smelting area can save you a lot of time. It is worth to place furnaces and chests early on in an organized way, Icon wall sign Wall Signs can help.

n Content I/I/O for Recipe(s) Comment
1 Fuel (like Icon oil Oil) Input  - Designated items for the Smelting Process according to the fuel strategy (see above).
2 Icon stone-1 Stone Input 10 Icon stone-1 Stone -> 1 Icon ingredient brick Brick Icon stone-1 Stone has other purposes too. Split them and put every stone in here that can be smelted without further thinking.
3 Icon iron ore-1 Ironstone Input 2 Icon iron ore-1 Ironstone -> 1 Icon iron bar Iron Bar Every Icon iron ore-1 Ironstone one time has to be smelted into an Icon iron bar Iron Bar. A large supply of Iron Stone reduces downtime.
4 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant Input 1 Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant + 1 Icon ingredient brick Brick -> 1 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick Can also be a designated Icon mixer Firebowl Cauldron/Icon improved firebowl cauldron Improved Firebowl Cauldron, otherwise a chest to keep them empty.
5 Icon ingredient steelfire Steelfire Input 1 Icon ingredient steelfire Steelfire + 5 Icon iron bar Iron Bar -> 1 Icon steel bar Steel Bar Icon ingredient steelfire Steelfire is needed for Icon steel bar Steel Bar but also for Icon dragonpowder Dragonpowder. One chest can supply both stations. Chest will most likely never be full.
6 Icon crystal Crystal Input 6 Icon crystal Crystal -> 3 Icon glass Glass -> 1 Icon round bottomed flask Glass Flask1 Icon crystal Crystals collect in small quantities by looting or in big quantities from caves. Part of it can be used for Icon salt Salt.
7 Icon brimstone Brimstone Input see Icon starmetal ore Star Metal Ore and Icon steel bar Steel Bar Brimstone is a bottleneck. In addition to the Smelting Process it is also needed in huge quantities to make Icon ingredient steelfire Steelfire in the Icon mixer Firebowl Cauldron / Icon improved firebowl cauldron Improved Firebowl Cauldron
8 Icon starmetal ore Star Metal Ore Input 2 Icon starmetal ore Star Metal Ore + 1 Icon brimstone Brimstone + 1 Icon black ice Black Ice -> Icon starmetal bar Star Metal Bar To reduce number of chests, it could be merged with chest for Icon starmetal bar Star Metal Bar. To separate Input/Output use two chests. Will most likely never be full.
9 Icon black ice Black Ice Input see Icon starmetal ore Star Metal Ore With the right Tool Black Ice usually comes in big quantities
10 Icon ingredient brick Brick Intermediate / Output see Icon ingredient building binding Stone Consolidant
11 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick Output  -
12 Icon iron bar Iron Bar Intermediate / Output see Icon ingredient steelfire Steelfire
13 Icon steel bar Steel Bar Intermediate / Output 2 Icon steel bar Steel Bar + 1 Icon brimstone Brimstone -> 1 Icon hardened steel bar Hardened Steel Bar
14 Icon hardened steel bar Hardened Steel Bar Output  -
15 Icon round bottomed flask Glass Flask Output  -
16 Icon starmetal bar Star Metal Bar Output  -

1 If a Icon round bottomed mould Glass Flask Mold is present in the Furnace

