Conan Exiles Wiki


There is wisdom among the simple peoples of the world; those who spend their time tilling, hunting, growing and harvesting.

The time-tested techniques for improving the harvesting capacity of tools have been distilled into the upgrades found in this kit.

Applying this simple upgrade to a tool will increase its harvesting capacity slightly.


  • Applying this kit will increase the amount of resources obtained, per swing, by 1.
  • There are three tiers to this item, the Simple Tool Upgrade Kit, Tool Upgrade Kit and Advanced Tool Upgrade Kit.
  • Using Tool Upgrade Kits will allow Tools to gather more resources then using Reinforcement Kits of the same tier.
  • The Tool has to be fully repaired before being upgraded


Created from the following Recipes Information
Tinker's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
10 Icon iron bar Iron Bar 1 Icon modkit wpn increaseHarvestingDamage t1 Simple Tool Upgrade Kit 10 s 40

See Also[]
