Description [ ]
I've heard that there's an ancient grove sacred to Jhebbal Sag somewhere in this forest, said Conan. I don't know. I've never seen it. But more beasts remember in this country than any I've ever seen.
~ Beyond the Black River
The groves of Jhebbal Sag are said to be the places where the god walks when he chooses to visit this world. In the shamanic traditions of the Black Kingdom, the groves of Jhebbal Sag are spiritual places, reached only through meditation and the ingestion of certain mushrooms.
In the Pictish Wilderness, however, it is claimed that such a grove exists in the physical world.
Perhaps they are both one and the same place, and it is the astral voyaging of shamans that brings them face to face with the awesome power of Jhebbal Sag.
This flower, gathered in a place that may or may not have been a dream, can facilitate the power of Jhebbal Sag in beasts - increasing the chance of them growing larger and stronger.
Notes [ ]
Shadebloom can be harvested with any regular tool from the bosses in the Midnight Grove .
Source [ ]
The item can be looted from the following NPCs :
Abras the Smelter
Aesir Berserker
Aesir Warrior
Ahna of Stygia
Ak the Hatchet
Ak'It the Armorer
Alchemist Auru
Alchemist Re'Ptah
Alchemist Thungra
Algrid Swordbreaker
Ama the Seductress
Amara Soot-finger
Amazon Veteran
Amazon Veteran Archer
Ambros Helmet-maker
Amni Bark-skin
Ansgar Blackfinger
Ansgar the Faithful
Antu the Blacksmith
Apra of Kush
Arfan the Torturer
Arkhu the Mad
Armorer Estra
Armorer Imth
Arthis Stretching-Hide
Askra the Woodworker
Astarus the Smith
Aster, Master Taskmaster
Astia the Spotter
Astra, polisher of wood
Aun P'tah the Forester
Azor of Zingara
Bak'T the Smelter
Barna the Gullet
Barskt the Seeker
Birger Birch-Bow
Black Corsair Captain
Black Corsair Master Archer
Black Corsair Veteran
Black Dragon Archer
Black Dragon Master Archer
Black Dragon Veteran
Black Hand Master Alchemist
Black Hand Master Archer
Black Hand Ringleader
Blacksmith Enthra
Blacksmith Kapt
Caravan Veteran
Carpenter Ara
Carpenter Draks
Carpenter Gia
Carpenter Kira
Cau Feet-Eater
Chosen of Jhebbal-Sag
Chosen of Set
Chulin the Brutal
Ciria the Cook
Colvric the Blade
Commander Bakt-Nimlot
Cultist Veteran
Derketo's Chosen
Doria the Whipper
Dreev Manhunter
Droog the Howler
Eina Furlicker
Emorio the Smith
Enslaver Mikria
Epis the Armorer
Fang of Set
Fin of Dagon
Forgotten Tribe Archer Elite
Forgotten Tribe Fighter Elite
Freebooter Champion
Freebooter Master Archer
Freebooter Veteran
Fulnio of the Plate
Gabbus, Master Smith
Galodona the Seamstress
Gars the Smith
Gerin the Smelter
Gh'ordon the Chef
Gonn of the Wild Hide
Gronn, Ymir's Chosen
Gunnar the Smith
Hamar the Carpenter
Hanar the Hammer
Hap'Zebat of the Furnace
Harald the White
Hasis of Zamoria
Heirs to the North Breaker
Heirs to the North Veteran Archer
Henk the Blacksmith
Heria of Tarantia
Herra of the Woods
High Priestess Ch'et
High Priestess Mai
High Priestess Shira
Hor'Tapesh the Smelter
Hosth Shark-Eye
Hragn Mad-With-Fumes
Hundra the Aesir
Hyborian Survivor Veteran Archer
Hyborian Survivor Veteran Warrior
Imperial Hunter
Iron-Eater Gnaar
Itria Peeling-Skin
Iza Tinderfinger
Johan Farseek
Ka'put the Blacksmith
Kamut the Tanner
Kapta, Seeker of Hearts
Karl Smallwood the Taskmaster
Karthok of the Great Beast
Kavara of the Hides
Khalid the Maniac
Khat Cauldron-tender
Kirik, Master Armorer
Kopris the Hide-Stretcher
Lierik the Hatchet
Lodrik the Tanner
Loich Molten-Hand
Lookout Cassia
Lot'Kanut the Sous Chef
Loysing Champion
Mad Experimenter Grol
Manhunter Veteran
Manhunter Veteran Archer
Master Archer Thak
Master Armorer Alnor
Master Armorer Tialus
Master Carpenter Anthor
Master Smelter Jius
Master Tanner Hina
Maximillian the Mad
Melandra the Cook
Menagerie Manager
Miia the Enslaver
Mitra's Chosen
Morena, Master Armorer
Morina Fish-Eye
Nut'Makra Blackened-Fingers
Ogris Tenderfinger
Okkun Wild-Hide
Olivya the Hammer
Olve the Chef
Onna Wild-arrow
Ontra the Blacksmith
P'res Aniki, Master Carpenter
Peshra the Wood-rubber
Pia of the Wild Hide
Pitre, Master Armorer
Polenis of Aquilonia
Pormis Wooden-teeth
Proth the Armorer
Rafnir Straight-Arrow
Raider Veteran
Relic Seeker
Royal Chef Arna
Ruun the Taskmaster
Seamstress Jenn
Set Followers Master Archer
Set Followers Veteran
Ship Cook Marra
Skinweaver Grath
Smelter Brius
Smelter Torinn
Smelter Ultann
Smelter Yrkonn
Sous Chef Chursh
Strang of the Whip
Swashbuckler Gorin
Swashbuckler Jira
Swashbuckler Tarn
Syth the Howling Dread
Tanner Amara
Tanner Enoi
Tanner Thamid
Tarqus the Seeker
Taskmaster Morra
Termagant Cilia
Tha'Shem Fingerlicker
The Tyrant of Kush
Thiera the Faithful
Trank the Metalwright
Treasure Seeker Blade Master
Treasure Seeker Master Archer
Ublis of Zingara
Ulva of the North
Ura Flotsam-collector
Vagra Metalbender
Vanir Loysing Archer Elite
Vanir Loysing Fighter Elite
Varia of the Furnace
Vonn of the Wild Hide
Warrior of Dagon
Warrior of Jhebbal Sag
Was D'aniki, Master Carpenter
Whipper Gor'h
Yog's Chosen
Yoggite Veteran
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