Conan Exiles Wiki


Conan brained him with the beef bone, took his poniard and his keys, and made a leisurely departure.
~ Rogues in the House

This leg, severed from the corpse of an enemy, is bloodless and stiff. Carrying it around might not be a good way to make friends, but then again it might help to make a different kind of friend. The important thing is that it can be used as a weapon. And beating someone to death with a limb is an itch that rarely gets scratched in civilized society.


Used in the following Recipes Information
Improved Blacksmith's Bench, Campaign Blacksmith's Bench, Garrison Blacksmith's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon severed leg Severed Leg 1 Icon severed leg Dead Leg 20 s 0
Barachan Castaway Bonfire, Bonfire, Campfire, Charcoal Kiln, Large Campfire, Spit Roast Campfire, Yamatai Hearth, Zingaran Mercenary Campfire
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon severed leg Severed Leg 3 Icon human flesh grilled Cooked Human Flesh 10 s 1
Grinder, Mortar and Pestle
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon severed leg Severed Leg 2 Icon crushed dragonbone powder Bonemeal
1 Icon blood Blood
10 s 1

See Also[]


Unique items cannot be repaired.
