Conan Exiles Wiki


Conan rose, still smiling, as if to reach into a near-by cooking pot; then quick as a cat he struck Aja a terrible blow with the heavy bone. The Bakalah war-chief slumped over, his skull crushed in, and instantly a frightful yell rent the skies as the Bamulas went into action like blood-mad panthers.
~ The Vale of Lost Women

Once, this limb belonged to a dangerous criminal, but now he can be considered 'armless. It looks like a left arm though, so he is all right. He can stump his enemies by pretending to surrender. Still, this entire incident has made him half as handy as he used to be. At least from now on you'll be well armed.


  • Severed Arm sunders with light and heavy attacks.


Used in the following Recipes Information
Barachan Castaway Bonfire, Bonfire, Campfire, Charcoal Kiln, Large Campfire, Spit Roast Campfire, Yamatai Hearth, Zingaran Mercenary Campfire
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon severed arm Severed Arm 3 Icon human flesh grilled Cooked Human Flesh 10 s 1
Grinder, Mortar and Pestle
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon severed arm Severed Arm 2 Icon crushed dragonbone powder Bonemeal
1 Icon blood Blood
10 s 1

See Also[]


Unique items cannot be repaired.
