Conan Exiles Wiki


Set commands that his followers revere serpents above all creatures, even requiring that his devotees allow themselves to be devoured by the giant temple snakes if the creatures so desire. This reverence means that many priests are bitten by the venemous serpents that roam the stone temples. Rather than simply accept their fate at the hands of a petulant snake, the priests often keep a supply of this antidote handy. Created during the rituals of sacrifice from the hearts of humans, it is a literal trade of a life for a life and Set does not seem to hold any grudges against followers who spare themselves in this manner.


Consuming a Set Antidote removes the following status effects from the player:

  • Poisoned
  • Alcohol Poisoning (sometimes doesn't work due to a bug)
  • Food Poisoning


Created from the following Recipes Information
Sepulcher of Set, Altar of Set, Sanctum of Set
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon human heart Human Heart 5 Icon set antidote Set Antidote
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
20 s 0