Conan Exiles Wiki

In Conan Exiles players can gather resources from their surroundings, using tools or even their bare hands! These resources are needed for crafting everything from buildings to weapons.

Locating Resources[]

Some resources, such as Icon wood-1 Wood and Icon stone-1 Stone are easy to find - just hit a tree or large boulder respectively with a harvesting tool.

Other resources can be significantly harder to locate, such as Icon silver Silverstone, Icon obsidian Obsidian, and Icon starmetal ore Star Metal Ore.

See also: Map#Community maps.

Resource Gathering[]

Resources are gathered by striking an object in the world with an appropriate tool. The quantity of resource gathered by each strike is equal to the Harvesting Power of the tool, with a 50% chance of gaining an additional resource. This is multiplied by the Harvest Amount Multiplier server setting for increased resource gathering.

Formula for gathering quantity = ( Harvesting Power + [50% chance of +1] ) x Harvest Amount Multiplier

For example, a Icon steel pickaxe Steel Pick has a harvesting power of 10. When used to strike a large boulder, it will harvest 10 or 11 stone on each strike (10 stone with a 50% chance of an additional stone). If the server was configured with Harvest Amount Multiplier set at x3, then each strike would gather 30 or 33 stone.

Tool Categories - use the correct tool[]

  • Pick - generally boulders and ore, also trees for bark, resin (northern trees) and bodies for bones.
  • Hatchet - trees for wood, bodies for meat and few hides (if you don't have a cleaver or skinning knife). Empirically, it seems to be the most effective tool for the harvesting of demon blood.
  • Cleaver - meat from bodies, some hide, heads.
  • Sickle - fiber, plants, berries, gossamer (also on spiders bodies).
  • Skinning Knife - hide from bodies, some meat. Empirically, it also seems to efficiently harvest feathers from Vulture nests atop mesas in the desert biome.

Harvesting Power of various Tools[]

The following is a list of tools by type with their respective harvesting power.

Tool Sets
Tool Set Picks Hatchets Cleavers Sickles Skinning Knives Pickaxes
Stone 6 Icon pickaxe-1 Stone Pick 6 Icon stone hatchet-1 Stone Hatchet 6 Icon cleaver primal Stone Cleaver - 6 Icon skinning dagger stone Stone Skinning Knife -
Iron 8 Icon iron pickaxe Iron Pick 8 Icon iron hatchet Iron Hatchet 8 Icon cleaver iron Iron Cleaver 8 Icon iron sickle Iron Sickle 8 Icon skinning dagger iron Iron Skinning Knife -
Steel 10 Icon steel pickaxe Steel Pick 10 Icon steel hatchet Steel Hatchet 10 Icon cleaver steel Steel Cleaver 10 Icon steel sickle Steel Sickle 10 Icon skinning dagger steel Steel Skinning Knife 10 Icon multi tool Pickaxe
Hardened Steel 12 Icon hardened steel pickaxe Hardened Steel Pick 12 Icon hardened steel axe Hardened Steel Hatchet 12 Icon cleaver hardened steel Hardened Steel Cleaver 12 Icon hardened steel sickle Hardened Steel Sickle 12 Icon skinning dagger hardened steel Hardened Steel Skinning Knife -
Relic Hunter 14 Icon 1h pick a2c2 battlepass Relic Hunter Pick 12 Icon 1h hatchet treasurehunter shop Relic Hunter Hatchet 12 Icon 1h cleaver treasurehunter shop Relic Hunter Cleaver 12 Icon 1h sickle treasurehunter shop Relic Hunter Sickle 12 Icon 1h skinningdagger treasurehunter shop Relic Hunter Skinning Knife -
Acheronian 14 Icon acheron pickaxe Acheronian Pick - - 14 Icon acheron sickle Acheronian Sickle - -
Star Metal 14 Icon star metal pickaxe Star Metal Pick 14 Icon star metal axe Star Metal Hatchet 14 Icon cleaver starmetal Star Metal Cleaver 14 Icon star metal sickle Star Metal Sickle 14 Icon skinning dagger starmetal Star Metal Skinning Knife 14 Icon multitool starmetal Star Metal Pickaxe
Eldarium 16 Icon eldarium pickaxe Eldarium Pick 16 Icon eldarium hatchet Eldarium Hatchet 16 Icon eldarium cleaver Eldarium Cleaver 16 Icon eldarium sickle Eldarium Sickle - 16 Icon eldarium multitool Eldarium Pick-axe
Obsidian 16 Icon obsidian pick Obsidian Pick 16 Icon obsidian axe Obsidian Hatchet - 16 Icon obsidian sickle Obsidian Sickle 16 Icon skinning dagger obsidian Obsidian Skinning Knife -
Black Blood 16 Icon legendary blackblood pick2 Black Blood Pick 16 Icon legendary 1h blackblood axe Black Blood Hatchet - 16 Icon legendary blackblood sickle Black Blood Sickle 16 Icon legendary Skinning dagger blackblood Black Blood Skinning Knife -
No Set 10 Icon 5yranniversary goldenpick shop Golden Pick
14 Icon black ice cimmerian steel pick Black Ice Pick
- 10 Icon gordscleaver Chef's Trusted Cleaver
12 Icon cleaver hardened steel Reliable Butcher
16 Icon cleaver primal Maw of the Hyena
- 8 Icon skinning dagger stone Bleached Bone Skinning Knife
10 Icon skinning dagger serpentmen Serpent-Man Skinning Knife
21 Icon multi tool The Pecker

Each tool has a harvesting power associated with it, which signifies how good it is at gathering resources (see the formula above). Fists have a harvesting power of Zero.

List of Resources[]

See also[]
