Conan Exiles Wiki


These fireworks are a dazzling spectacle in the harsh lands of exile. When ignited, they burst into the night sky with a brilliant array of lights and sounds, reminiscent of the grand festivals in far-off Khitai. Beyond their beauty, these fireworks serve as a symbol of hope and celebration, bringing a moment of joy and wonder to the otherwise unforgiving Exiled Lands. Use them to signal allies, celebrate victories, or simply to light up the darkness with the splendor of Khitai.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Construction Hammer
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
5 Icon witchfire powder Witchfire Powder
5 Icon leather Leather
1 Icon branch Branch
1 Icon ingredient rope Twine
1 Icon a03c1 khitaislaver fireworksprop Red Brockade Fireworks 0 s 1934