Conan Exiles Wiki


Civilized men laugh," said Conan. "But not one can tell me how Zogar Sag can call pythons and tigers and leopards out of the wilderness and make them do his bidding. They would say it is a lie, if they dared. That's the way with civilized men. When they can't explain something by their half-baked science, they refuse to believe it.
~ Beyond the Black River

This potion clears the knowledge of civilization, wiping away learned skills until the imbiber is left with nothing more than a vast potential for learning. They are then free to sculpt their mind in whichever direction they wish.


  • A potion that resets knowledge points.
  • The Potion of Natural Learning does not reset found knowledges, but does reset religions in addition to all other knowledges.
  • Potion of Natural Learning was implemented with the Pets update.
  • The other potion that was added is the Icon yellow lotus potion variant 1 Potion of Bestial Memory, which removes your attribute points.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Alchemist's Bench, Improved Alchemist's Bench, Trade Alchemist's Bench, Precision Alchemist's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon round bottomed flask water Water-filled Glass Flask
3 Icon yellow lotus blossum Yellow Lotus Blossom
3 Icon crushed dragonbone powder Bonemeal
1 Icon yellow lotus potion variant 2 Potion of Natural Learning 10 s 22