Conan Exiles Wiki

Noxious Gas is status effect in Conan Exiles.


T BuffIconNoxiousGasNoxious Gas comes from green clouds of poisonous spores in the air that can damage the Player Character, their followers and enemies. Wearing a mask or helmet with gas protection will protect the Player and their follower thralls if worn prior to taking damage from noxious gas.


Noxious Gas can be used in combat via the Icon gas orb Gaseous Orb, Icon arrow poison Noxious Gas Arrow or Icon dust trap Vapor Trap and does 30 points of damage every second.


Locations can also be filled with Noxious Gas that damages every second and can be stacked up to 10 times. Locations include:


  • Putting a mask or helmet with gas protection on while currently taking noxious gas damage will not activate the gas protection. Gas protection must be worn prior to taking noxious gas damage.