Conan Exiles Wiki


He did not care anymore. Life and death... the same.
~ Conan the Barbarian

This wheel is based on a design that originally comes from the mountains and valleys of Vanaheim. It is unclear whether it serves any purpose other than to keep prisoners passive and exhausted until they can be used for more productive tasks.


  • The Lesser Wheel of Pain will break one thrall at a time.
  • It has the size of 3x3 foundations and 1 wall high.
  • 4x4 if you want to walk around it and put other things inside the structure.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Construction Hammer
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
200 Icon wood-1 Wood
200 Icon stone-1 Stone
50 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
50 Icon ingredient rope Twine
1 Icon wheel of pain Lesser Wheel of Pain 0 s 8700

Thrall(s) Used[]


List of Fuels
Name Burn Time
in seconds
Icon devil s bonemeal Devil's Bonemeal 8 23:59:16
Icon driedFish Dried Fish 12 2:00:00
Icon driedMeat Dried Meat 12 2:00:00
Icon blessed yog meat Purified Flesh 20
Icon unblemished meat Unblemished Human Meat 20 0:40:01
Icon gruel Gruel 72 1:20:00
Icon cooked oyster Cooked Oyster 160 0:30:00
Icon flavored gruel Flavored Gruel 160 2:00:00
Icon cookedBadFish Cooked Fish 216 0:20:00
Icon bread Bread 232 2:00:00
Icon improved gruel Enhanced Gruel 240 3:00:00
Icon salty berry snack Salted Berries 280 1:00:00
Icon shredded meat roast Shredded Roast 296 0:30:00
Icon human flesh grilled Cooked Human Flesh 296 0:30:00
Icon cookedShellFish Cooked Savory Shellfish 296 0:30:00
Icon cookedBadShellFish Cooked Shellfish 296 0:30:00
Icon cookedFish Cooked Savory Fish 296 0:30:00
Icon grilled steak Grilled Steak 296 0:30:00
Icon century egg Century Egg 320 6:00:00
Icon yellow lotus soup Yellow Lotus Soup 320 0:45:00
Icon bone broth Bone Broth 328 0:45:00
Icon savory meat stew Exquisite Stew 328 0:45:00
Icon exotic meat stew Hearty Stew 328 0:45:00
Icon seed soup Seed Soup 328 0:45:00
Icon aloe soup Aloe Soup 328 0:45:00
Icon spiced soup Spiced Soup 328 0:45:00
Icon soup Soup 328 0:45:00
Icon egg surprise Egg Surprise 344 1:00:00
Icon bone broth Mystery Meat Soup 344 0:45:00
Icon darfari bug soup Darfari Bug Soup 344 0:45:00
Icon mushroom stew Mushroom Stew 344 0:45:00
Icon cooked egg Cooked Eggs 360 0:30:00
Icon improved gruel Honeyed Gruel 360 4:00:01
Icon lumpy soup Lumpy Soup 376 1:00:00
Icon perfect cut of meat Exquisite Meat 424 1:00:00
Icon spiced egg Spiced Egg 432 0:30:00
Icon bug kabob Bug Kabob 432 0:30:00
Icon spiced feral meat Honeyglazed Roast 432 0:30:00
Icon snake egg Honeyed Eggs 432 0:30:00
Icon spiced feral meat Spiced and Shredded Roast 448 0:30:00
Icon bread Honeybread 456 3:00:00
Icon cookedGoodFish Cooked Exotic Fish 496 0:45:00
Icon cookedGoodShellFish Cooked Exotic Shellfish 496 0:45:00
Icon roasted hunk-o-meat Roasted Haunch 496 0:45:00
Icon salted exotic meat Trail Jerky 560 1:30:00
Icon blood-sausage Blood Sausage 560 0:45:00
Icon cooked mushroom Roasted Mushrooms 568 3:00:00
Icon salted feral meat Bush Jerky 568 1:30:00
Icon salted savory meat Savory Jerky 568 1:30:00
Icon salted exotic meat Honey Jerky 576 1:30:00
Icon rhino head soup Rhino Head Soup 576 1:30:01
Icon meat strip mix Mixed Meat Scraps 576 1:30:00
Icon Moray eel cooked Cooked Moray Eel 616 1:00:00
Icon cooked fatty meat Cooked Pork Rinds 616 1:00:00
Icon sewerbeast meal Cooked Abysmal Meat 616 1:00:00
Icon cooked perfect cut of meat Cooked Exquisite Meat 616 1:00:00
Icon Anglerfish cooked Cooked Anglerfish 616 1:00:00
Icon Catfish cooked Cooked Catfish 616 1:00:00
Icon Dogfish cooked Cooked Dogfish 616 1:00:00
Icon Groper cooked Cooked Grouper 616 1:00:00
Icon mixed meat mushup Meaty Mashup 632 0:45:00
Icon spiced oyster Spiced Oysters 632 0:45:00
Icon steak and eggs Steak and Eggs 632 0:45:00
Icon spiced savory meat Spiced Steak 632 0:45:00
Icon demon blood-sausage Demon Blood-Sausage 632 0:45:00
Icon meat strips Meat Strips 632 0:45:00
Icon oyster omelette Oyster Omelette 632 0:45:00
Icon spiced exotic meat Spiced Haunch 632 0:45:00
Icon desert chili Chili Desert Style 648 0:45:00
Icon spiced slivers Spiced Slivers 664 0:45:00
Icon salted perfect cut of meat Salted Exquisite Meat 672 2:00:00
Icon salted fatty meat Salted Pork 672 2:00:00
Icon spiced perfect cut of meat Spiced Exquisite Meat 752 1:00:00
Icon spiced fatty meat Spiced Pork 752 1:00:00
Icon meat strips Fish Strips 768 1:00:00
Icon delicious meat strips Cooked Pork Strips 768 1:00:00
Icon hearty meal Hearty Feast 992 1:30:01
Icon cimmerian meal Cimmerian Feast 1056 1:30:01
Icon lasting meal Lasting Feast 1056 6:00:02
Icon feral meat feast Feral Feast 1096 1:30:01
Icon savory meat feast Savory Feast 1136 1:30:01
Icon exotic meat feast Exotic Feast 1176 1:30:01
Icon fatty meat feast Cooked Pork Feast 1200 1:30:01
Icon offering to yog Feast to Yog 1376 2:00:01
Icon offering to set Feast of Set 1376 2:00:01
Icon feast of jhebbal sag Feast of Jhebbal Sag 1376 2:00:01
Icon feast of derketo Feast of Derketo 1376 2:00:01
Icon offering to ymir Feast of Ymir 1376 2:00:01
Icon offering to mitra Feast of Mitra 1392 2:00:01

See Also[]


Repairing Lesser Wheel of Pain requires up to:

