Prophets, Centors, Legates and Protectors of the faith of Asura, the Followers of Asura are known for their worldly knowledge as well as their helpfulness.
These clothes do not protect against the weather but do grant attribute bonuses.
- This armor is not craftable.
Each part of the entire Set can be looted in the Exiled Lands from:
- Every Chosen of Asura NPC at the end of Sinner's Refuge.
TeleportPlayer 5082 178125 -17789
Map Grid: G4/G5
- The two Chosen of Asura Priests named Lethdol Twox, Speaker of Asura and Vattende, Confessor of Asura who can spawn at Mitra's Serenity.
TeleportPlayer 63781 147174 -15326
Map Grid: H5/I5
And on the Isle of Siptah from:
- The Nameless Shadow NPC at the northern end of the Towerwatch Keep / Accursed Citadel.
TeleportPlayer -52823 7885 -12981
Map Grid: I10
- The two Chosen of Asura Priests named Lethdol Twox, Speaker of Asura and Vattende, Confessor of Asura who can spawn at Riverwatch Keep.
TeleportPlayer 217320 44687 -17315
Map Grid: N10
- An unmarked Exiles camp that has a pile of rocks you can interact with if you have a shovel like the Gravedigger.
TeleportPlayer 186043 151707 -7552
Map Grid: M7/8
Armor Set[]
This piece of equipment is part of the following armor set:
of Asura
80 base armor, Concussive Damage +20%, Health +80, Follower Damage +16%, Agility Weapon Damage +6%
No resistances
- Hood of Asura
- Chestguard of Asura
- Gloves of Asura
- Leggings of Asura
- Boots of Asura
See Also[]
Unique items cannot be repaired.
The Leggings of Asura can be dismantled using the Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:
- 5 Hide
For slightly more materials, you can use the Improved Dismantling Bench:
- 6 Hide