Conan Exiles Wiki
Conan Exiles Wiki


Every structure that has ever fallen to an enemy has been breached somewhere. And the breach point, more often than not, is the door.

A door is only as strong as the place where it is anchored and many a would-be warlord has come to grief when their solidly constructed door was torn off at the anchor point.

The difference between a king and a pauper might just be the entrance to his kingdom.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Construction Hammer
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
3 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick
2 Icon ingredient plank Shaped Wood
1 Icon ingredient steel reinforcement Steel Reinforcement
1 Icon tier3 khitai trapDoorFrame Khitan Hatch Frame 0 s 460


Repairing Khitan Hatch Frame requires up to:
