Conan Exiles Wiki


Like cultures and customs, the value of ivory depends upon the kingdom where it is seen.

In the Hyborian kingdoms, where elephants and other creatures are rare, it is a tangible sign of both wealth and power. In the Black Kingdoms, it is common - few warriors exist in those lands who do not possess an ivory handled dagger or jewelry.

It is a great source of trade between the north and the south - indeed it could be said that ivory is the primary reason that merchants dare make the dangerous journey along the Black Coast to trade for it in Kush.

The great herds of elephants which roam the Black Kingdoms are hunted daily for their tusks and there is no reason for men to suspect that the creatures will not continue to roam forever.


Ivory can be harvested using a cleaver on the following creatures:


Used in the following Recipes Information
Improved Armorer's Bench, Campaign Armorer's Bench, Garrison Armorer's Bench, Stygian Armorer's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon armorpadding light Perfected Light Padding
30 Icon thick hide-1 Thick Hide
8 Icon ivory Ivory
23 Icon Hide Hyena Hyena Pelt
1 Icon darfari gauntlets Darfari Skin Bracers (Epic) 1 min 1206
1 Icon armorpadding light Perfected Light Padding
30 Icon thick hide-1 Thick Hide
8 Icon ivory Ivory
23 Icon Hide Hyena Hyena Pelt
1 Icon darfari chestpiece Darfari Skin Chestpiece (Epic) 1 min 1206
1 Icon armorpadding light Perfected Light Padding
30 Icon thick hide-1 Thick Hide
8 Icon ivory Ivory
23 Icon Hide Hyena Hyena Pelt
1 Icon darfari boots Darfari Skin Greaves (Epic) 1 min 1206
1 Icon armorpadding light Perfected Light Padding
30 Icon thick hide-1 Thick Hide
8 Icon ivory Ivory
23 Icon Hide Hyena Hyena Pelt
1 Icon darfari leggings Darfari Skin Skirt (Epic) 1 min 1206
1 Icon armorpadding light Perfected Light Padding
30 Icon thick hide-1 Thick Hide
8 Icon ivory Ivory
23 Icon Hide Hyena Hyena Pelt
1 Icon darfari mask 01 Darfari Watcher Mask (Epic) 1 min 1206
Artisan Table, Aquilonian Artisan Table, Argossean Artisan Table, Khitan Artisan Table, Turanian Artisan Table, Nemedian Artisan Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
5 Icon ivory Ivory 1 Icon Drinking Horn Ivory Ivory Drinking Horn 10 s 0
15 Icon ivory Ivory 1 Icon Ivory Warhorn Ivory Warhorn 10 s 0
Carpenter's Bench, Improved Carpenter's Bench, Trade Carpenter's Bench, Precision Carpenter's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
10 Icon ivory Ivory
5 Icon steel bar Steel Bar
4 Icon ostrich feather Feather
10 Icon arrow ivory Ivory Arrow 5 s 5
Fluid Press
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon ivory Ivory
1 Icon stomach acid Ghoulish Humors 1
5 Icon ingredient ichor Ichor 10 s 0
Grinder, Mortar and Pestle
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon ivory Ivory 4 Icon crushed dragonbone powder Bonemeal 5 s 1

1 Item is not consumed!
