Conan Exiles Wiki


From the shipboard archers of the Baracha Strait to the skilled foresters of the Southern Isles, rangers' skills with a bow set them apart from other warriors, as they are capable of stalking an enemy across leagues of open water before delivering a devastating shot with pinpoint accuracy.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Improved Armorer's Bench, Campaign Armorer's Bench, Garrison Armorer's Bench, Stygian Armorer's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon armorpadding light Perfected Light Padding
30 Icon thick hide-1 Thick Hide
12 Icon layered silk Layered Silk
1 Icon armor legs ranger Island Ranger Wrap (Epic) 1 min 1232

Armor Set[]

This piece of equipment is part of the following armor set:

Island Ranger Armor Epic

80 base armor, Health +25, Agility Weapon Damage +30%
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See Also[]


Repairing Island Ranger Wrap (Epic) requires up to:


The Island Ranger Wrap (Epic) can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:

For slightly more materials, you can use the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench:
