“ | From the lofty gunwales, the black pirates drove down a volley of shafts that tore through the quilted jackets of the doomed sailormen, then sprang down spear in hand to complete the slaughter. On the deck of the pirate lay half a dozen bodies, an earnest of Conan's archery. | „ |
~ Queen of the Black Coast |
Originally used for fishing along the Argossean coastline, the flamboyant gladiator Aros of Koth decided to adopt the trident as his signature weapon.
The extremely broad head of the weapon makes it top heavy and too thick to be used in a shield wall while the barbed prongs are prone to getting caught on armor and flesh.
Improved Blacksmith's Bench, Campaign Blacksmith's Bench, Garrison Blacksmith's Bench | |||
Ingredients | Outcome | Craft time | Experience gained |
1 Weapon Handle 63 Eldarium |
1 Impaling Spear (Epic) | 6 min | 6 |
See Also[]
Repairing Impaling Spear (Epic) requires up to:
- 1 Weapon Handle
- 10 Eldarium
The Impaling Spear (Epic) can be dismantled using the Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:
- 1 Weapon Handle
- 4 Eldarium 1
For slightly more materials, you can use the Improved Dismantling Bench:
- 1 Weapon Handle
- 5 Eldarium 1
1 If this item is dismantled on the Exiled Lands, you get the same amount of Star Metal Bars instead of the displayed amount of Eldarium or Decaying Eldarium.