Conan Exiles Wiki


The Heirs of the North are a tribe of Nordheimers. They control the central and eastern Highlands. The Vanir and Aesir have golden or red hair. They wear furs and straps and wield weapons of hardened steel. Some Nordheimers take wolves as companions and many of them are hunters, living in wooden huts, covered in fur and thick hides.


Heirs of the north enemies generally have 450 HP. Exceptions to this rule are most named/T4 NPCs like Freya, which have 525 HP. Heirs of the North are above average in strength and health. Their highest concentration can be found at The Wardtowers and New Asagarth.

They are an excellent source of Icon steel bar Steel Bar as well as Icon glass Glass, making them ideal to farm during mid and even high-end late game.


Nordheimer thralls have a medium to high training difficulty.

They start with the following HP:

Tier Fighters Archers Performers
1 1029 1029 1109
2 1168 1168 1248
3 1480 1480 1540
4 2087 1938 1998

Special cases:

They specialize in Strength and Vitality. Their base stats are as follows:

Tier Strength Agility Vitality Grit
1 3 0 2 0
2 7 0 3 0
3 15 0 7 0
4 30 0 10 5


  • Nordheimers deal high amounts of burst damage, from range and in close combat.
  • This is despite their mediocre health pool.
  • They usually attack in small groups, and have a lot of Archers.
  • Most of their Fighters use either spears or shields+swords, putting one-handed swords or sometimes spears at a severe disadvantage.
  • Utilizing shield breaking weapons or armor penetration can be very helpful.
  • Using shields and natural cover against archers increases odds of survivability.
  • The key in combat against this faction seems to lie in killing each of them quick to reduce their numbers and the incoming damage.




Notable NPCs[]

Ladagara Daughter Of Ymir

Alchemist Rokur the Alchemist Ola the Mad Hollow
Archer Chieftain Alfhild Dina, Master Huntress Freya Varpnir
Armorer Chieftain Aslaug Njoror Battleborn Henrietta the Armorer Karl of the North Colvic the Armorer
Blacksmith Beri Erika the Reliable Johann of Nordheim Merkel the Edgesmith
Carpenter Chieftain Arvid Airk Strong-in-the-arm Gustaf the Reliable Master Carpenter Bernt Petr, Master Carpenter
Cook Chieftain Alva Rikkart the Baker
Performer Chieftain Didrik Oyvind Tall-tree
Fighter Chieftain Derulf Chieftain Varulf Janos Lian
Priest Anastera The Seeress
Smelter Chieftain Valda Jon the Tinkerer
Sorcerer Holgir of the Dark Arts
Tanner Chieftain Asger Oskar Thunderhead
Taskmaster Chieftain Rada Manos the Handful Hans the Brute Olva of the Lashes

The Purge only: Notable NPCs[]

Alchemist Karl Black Hand Mixmaster Festus Khon-Trast Sizzlefinger
Archer Gavin the Wolf Hoss Gristlebiter Orik Birdcatcher Oskar Blackheart
Arvild the Terror Bent Snowblind Huntsmaster Flisa Huntsmaster Ragnar Wulfrid the Fang
Armorer Aldrik of the North Sea Red Rorik
Blacksmith Frae Steelgrasp Steelbender Hagar
Carpenter Thorvald Tree-Hater Vargre of the Grove
Cook Ada Frostbite Chopper Airk
Fighter Darek Broken-Finger Ture the Red Uola the Berserker Yorik, Heir of the North
Priest Hrogert of the Frozen North Lot Frostspeaker
Smelter Hrugn Raging-Fire Thran of the Flowing Steel
Tanner Master Tanner Trak Ulgrim the Tainted
Taskmaster Fric the Trapster Skaldgrim of Vanaheim

1 data mined, needs verification

Common Loot[]

Icon steel bar Steel Bar Icon glass Glass Icon resin Resin Icon drywood Dry Wood Icon crystal Crystal
Icon berries highlands Highland Berries Icon ingredient pitch Tar Icon fatty meat feast Cooked Pork Feast Icon glowing essence Glowing Essence Icon thick hide-1 Thick Hide
Icon oyster flesh Oyster Flesh Icon ale Ale Icon Tavern Inside WinePot Iron Jug Icon ShroomAmanita Shroom Amanita Icon Pottery Cim 3 Iron Bowl (Variant D)
Icon Tavern Inside Cann Flagon Icon black candle-1 Black Candle Stub Icon ice Ice Icon cookedFish Cooked Savory Fish Icon pottery 4 Ornate Ceramic Jug
Icon ironhead arrow Ironhead Arrow Icon razor arrow Razor Arrow Icon razor arrow Steel Arrow Icon arrow ivory Ivory Arrow Icon hardened steel arrow Hardened Steel Arrow
Icon oil Oil Icon wine Wine Icon grease orb Grease Orb Icon water orb Water Orb Icon gas orb Gaseous Orb
Icon human heart Heart of a Nordheimer2

2 The Icon human heart Heart of a Nordheimer is not, as the name suggests, a race-related drop, but a faction-related one.
This means that not every named Nordheimer drops it, but it is a 100% drop by every named non-purge Heirs of the North NPC.

Signature Weapons[]

Signature Armor[]

