Conan Exiles Wiki


Hanuman's Grotto is a small cave in the River region with an ancient statue of Hanuman the Ape God at its termination. The Prayer to Hanuman is placed in the statue's hand and a mysterious chest sits at its feet. Ghostly figures surround the Ape God in worship along with a loyal human disciple of Hanuman, lost in prayer; a moldy note describing his plight a few feet away. Killing the disciple will grant the Player Character a Icon withered heart Withered Heart which, along with other hearts, can be sacrificed to Hanuman through the mysterious chest for Hanuman's Boon.

Hanuman's Boon[]

Heart Reward
Icon human heart Human Heart Icon hanumans gift Hanuman's Gift (100%)
Icon withered heart Withered Heart Icon BoonOfTheGorilla Boon of the Gorilla (20%)
Icon hanumans gift Hanuman's Gift (80%)
Icon deathknight heart Heart of the Kinscourge Icon BoonOfTheGreyApe Boon of the Grey Ape (20%)
Icon hanumans gift Hanuman's Gift (80%)
Icon human heart Heart of a Hero Icon BoonOfTheSilverback Boon of the Silverback (20%)
Icon hanumans gift Hanuman's Gift (80%)
Icon human heart Heart of a Nordheimer Icon BoonOfTheYeti Boon of the Yeti (20%)
Icon hanumans gift Hanuman's Gift (80%)
Icon scourgestone Heart of the Sands (Scourgestone) Icon BoonOfTheBlackYeti Boon of the Black Yeti (20%)
Icon hanumans gift Hanuman's Gift (80%)

The Icon obsidian heart Blackened Heart and Icon molten heart Molten Heart cannot be offered to Hanuman.





  • Hanuman's Grotto is one of the best sources for Icon crystal Crystal. The Player can pick it up by pressing E .

