Conan Exiles Wiki


The fearsome marauders known as the Gurnakhi are little known beyond the icy climes of their frigid realm. Perhaps the Vanir or rival Aesir might whisper of inhuman slavers from the northern wastes, but beyond the campfires of Nordheim, knowledge of their kind is non-existent. How they or their trappings came to be in the Exiled Lands is a mystery that may never be solved.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Improved Armorer's Bench, Campaign Armorer's Bench, Garrison Armorer's Bench, Stygian Armorer's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon armorpadding heavy Perfected Heavy Padding
25 Icon hardened steel bar Hardened Steel Bar
5 Icon ingredient steel reinforcement Steel Reinforcement
1 Icon armor helmet gurnakhiheavy shop Gurnakhi Vandal Helm (Epic) 1 min 4054

Armor Set[]

This piece of equipment is part of the following armor set:

Gurnakhi Vandal Epic

1000 base armor, Health +100, DLC Black Lotus Bazaar
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See Also[]


Repairing Gurnakhi Vandal Helm (Epic) requires up to:


The Gurnakhi Vandal Helm (Epic) can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:

For slightly more materials, you can use the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench:


Gurnakhi Gear

Bazaar Set "Gurnakhi Gear"
