Conan Exiles Wiki


The fearsome marauders known as the Gurnakhi are little known beyond the icy climes of their frigid realm. Perhaps the Vanir or rival Aesir might whisper of inhuman slavers from the northern wastes, but beyond the campfires of Nordheim, knowledge of their kind is non-existent. How they or their beasts of war came to be in the Exiled Lands is a mystery that may never be solved.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Hand crafted
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon pet Wolf Wolf (Variant A)
1 Icon pet food battlepass Sorcerous Pet Food
1 Icon pet gurnakhi wolf shop Gurnakhi Dire Wolf (Pet) 3 s 112


Preferred Food Strength Agility Vitality Grit Nutrition
Icon perfect cut of meat Exquisite Meat +7% +7% 1 health/sec
Icon fatty meat Raw Pork +14% 1 health/sec
Icon raw stringy meat Feral Flesh +14% 2 health/sec
Icon human flesh Human Flesh 3 health/sec
Icon raw tough meat Exotic Flesh 4 health/sec
Icon tainted flesh Abysmal Flesh +14% 6 health/sec
Icon pet food Shadespiced Fatty Meat +7% 7 health/sec
Icon blood-sausage Blood Sausage +7% 8 health/sec
Icon cooked fatty meat Cooked Pork Rinds +3% +3% 9 health/sec
Icon delicious meat strips Cooked Pork Strips +7% +3% +3% 10 health/sec

See Also[]


Gurnakhi Gear

Bazaar Set "Gurnakhi Gear"
