Conan Exiles Wiki
Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
ID: AbandonedCity_Boss_FlameGuardian
Map Exiled Lands
HP 14867
Armor 109
KB Defense 25
Base XP 43200
Group Boss
Temperament Aggressive
Biomes The Unnamed City (biome)
Location The Unnamed City (location)
Harvestables Bone, Weathered Skull, Putrid Meat
Patch added 02/03/2019
Guardian of the Flame location


This former Commander wields an iron crown and a one-handed star metal sword. He guards a big eternal flame beacon in a small artificial cove below the stone guardway.


Always has at least one Icon shard of knowledge Fragment of Power and a Epic icon whetstone hardened steel bar Grandmaster Weapon Repair Kit or Icon repair kit armor legendary Grandmaster Armor Repair Kit in its inventory when defeated.


Located in the Unnamed City. TeleportPlayer -134738 115141 -11645


Since he has a high knockback resistance, he cannot be interrupted unless parried with a shield. This boss moves around quite a bit in singular directions, making him hard to pin down and follow up on. Shields in general are quite effective against him, especially with a thrall or pet attacking him in the meantime. He is initially accompanied by several skeletal guardians, two of which are archers.

His most common attacks are as follows:

  • a standard sword lunge in the direction he faces
  • several half-spin swings and spins moving forward

Outgoing Debuffs

Susceptible to:


Guardian of the Flame can drop the following notable loot:

  • Fragment of Power (100%)
  • 1 Grandmaster Repair Kit (100%)

