Conan Exiles Wiki


On the brink, under his very hand as he crouched, he found it, a thin vein of sparkling gold running from an outcropping of ore to the edge and down across the silvery floor.
~ People of the Black Circle

Merchants and Kings alike will tell you that gold is more powerful than any sorcery. It is gold that keeps bellies full, armies equipped, and the commoners entertained. A pauper may be free, but gold offers an entirely different type of freedom.

Gold is too soft to be used in the forging of weapons, but it is a highly sought after alchemical ingredient. It can be ground into a fine dust and ingested or melted down and used to create jewelry and other trinkets.

Some sages argue that gold has properties that ward against creatures of the Outer Dark, but other, wiser sages have pointed out that wearing gold to ward off such creatures will attract the attention of a complete different class of unsavory being.


You have a chance of getting goldstone when mining obsidian nodes found in and around the volcano using a high grade pick or pickaxe.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Animal Pen, Reinforced Animal Pen, Armored Animal Pen, Small Animal Pen
Ingredients Outcome
(chance to get)
Craft time Experience
1 Icon stone-1 Stone
1 Icon pet Rocknose Gold Gold-vein Rocknose (Variant A) 1
1 Icon stone-1 Stone (80%)
1 Icon iron ore-1 Ironstone (15%)
1 Icon gold Goldstone (5%)
20 min 1
1 Icon stone-1 Stone
1 Icon Rocknose yamatai Gold-vein Rocknose (Variant B) 1
1 Icon stone-1 Stone (80%)
1 Icon iron ore-1 Ironstone (15%)
1 Icon gold Goldstone (5%)
20 min 0
Fluid Press
Ingredients Outcome
(chance to get)
Craft time Experience
1 Icon baby rocknose gold carcass Gold-vein Rocknose Carcass 10 Icon stone-1 Stone
10 Icon crystal Crystal
5 Icon gold Goldstone
20 s 1

1 Item is not consumed!


Used in the following Recipes Information
Animal Pen, Reinforced Animal Pen, Armored Animal Pen, Small Animal Pen
Ingredients Outcome
(chance to get)
Craft time Experience
1 Icon baby rocknose Pebblenose (Pet)
1 Icon gold Goldstone
1 Icon pet Rocknose Rocknose (Variant A) (90%)
1 Icon pet Rocknose Gold Gold-vein Rocknose (Variant A) (10%)
30 min 6
Charcoal Kiln, Furnace, Improved Furnace, Heat-Efficient Furnace, Fuel-Efficient Furnace, Improved Furnace (Kiln)
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
3 Icon gold Goldstone 1 Icon gold bar Gold Bar 10 s 1
Stove, Improved Stove, Turanian Stove, Vanir Hearth
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
20 Icon gold Goldstone
1 Icon white flower Shadebloom
1 Icon pet food Shadespiced Gold 10 s 120