Conan Exiles Wiki


For minutes the scene held motionless; then the man on the ledge drew a cryptic symbol in the dust on the rock with his forefinger. The Wazuli did not see him place anything within the compass of that emblem, but presently something gleamed there - a round, shiny black ball that looked like polished jade..
~ The People of the Black Circle

The Globe of Yezud is spoken of in whispers by those who have witnessed its foul sorcery first- hand. It is said that when cast, the globe of Yezud will transform after a few moments, becoming a black spider of horrid aspect with venom-dipped fangs that can kill a man with a single bite.

It has been used in the secret assassinations of kings, the dark schemes of sorcerers and the religious ceremonies of Zath himself. There is speculation that the small black stones are the eggs of Zath - which is additionally confusing because Zath is always referred to as a male.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Nest of Zath, Web of Zath, Altar of Zath
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon jhebbal sag blood Venom-purified blood 1 Icon globeofyezud Globe of Yezud
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
2 min 0

See Also[]


Repairing Globe of Yezud requires up to:


The Globe of Yezud can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench or the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:
