Conan Exiles Wiki

A Follower is a loyal companion that can aid the Player Character in Conan Exiles.


A Follower will follow the Player Character on command around the map and should attack any enemy that attacks the Player or that the Player chooses to attack. The Player can only have one follower at a time. Followers include:


  • If multiple potential enemies are around the same area when the Player is battling one enemy, it is possible that a follower will automatically begin attacking other nearby enemies when the original enemy has been killed.
  • If multiple potential enemies are around the same area when the Player is battling one enemy, it is also possible that a follower will instead begin attacking other nearby enemies rather than the one that the Player is currently battling.
  • The Player should note that, if they have a follower and are playing with another player from a different Clan when a battle begins, it is possible that their follower may also automatically attack the other player and any follower that that player may have if they are in the area. Similarly, the Player may be the one attacked if the reverse is true.