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Featherlight weaponry is highly sought after by those who count stealth as a professional virtue. The nearly weightless material is difficult to craft and even more difficult to wield as it lacks the heft and dimension associated with balanced weaponry.

In trained hands, bows are lethal weapons that can bring down a foe from afar. A large part of the versatility of the bow comes from the arrows used in battle.


  • This weapon requires the Jhil Armory knowledge in order to craft.
    • This knowledge can be unlocked by interacting with a stele in the boss room of the Volary of Jhil Vault (TeleportPlayer -283179 -375115 2161).


Created from the following Recipes Information
Improved Carpenter's Bench, Trade Carpenter's Bench, Precision Carpenter's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon sturdy string Sturdy String
17 Icon eldarium bar Eldarium
1 Icon legendary bow 04 Featherlight Bow 4 min 6


Featherlight Bow can be used with the following ammunition:

Available Projectiles
Item Craftable Grade Damage Armor Penetration Weight
Icon sewerbeast arrow Abysmal Arrow yes 7 16.2% 0.1
Icon arrow poison Acid Arrow yes 0% 0.1
Icon arrow corruption Ancient Arrow no 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow corruption Ancient Arrow no 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon blackice arrow Black Ice Arrows yes Epic 15 14.4% 0.1
Icon blunt arrow Blunted Arrow yes 4 10.8% 0.1
Icon bone arrow Bone Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon dragonhorn arrow Dragonbone Arrow yes 15 13.5% 0.1
Icon arrow explosive Explosive Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow explosive Explosive Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow light Firespark Arrow yes 0% 0.1
Icon arrow light Firespark Arrow yes 0% 0.1
Icon arrow light Firespark Arrow yes 0% 0.1
Icon stonetip arrow Flinthead Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon hardened steel arrow Hardened Steel Arrow yes Epic 15 15.3% 0.1
Icon bone arrow Harpy's Kiss Arrows yes Epic 19 14.4% 0.1
Icon arrow aloe Healing Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow aloe Healing Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon hollowbone arrow Hollowbone Arrow no Unique 15 54% 0.1
Icon arrow ivory Huntress Arrows no Unique 31 18% 0.1
Icon black ice arrow Ice Shard Arrow yes 9 16.2% 0.1
Icon ironhead arrow Ironhead Arrow yes 8 16.2% 0.1
Icon arrow ivory Ivory Arrow yes 7 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow light Light Arrow yes 1 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow light Light Arrow yes 1 10.8% 0.1
Icon bone arrow Mandibles of Atlach-Nacha no Unique 18 50% 0.1
Icon arrow poison Noxious Gas Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow poison Noxious Gas Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon obsidian arrow Obsidian Arrow yes Epic 16 17.1% 0.1
Icon arrow tar Oil Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow tar Oil Arrow yes 3 10.8% 0.1
Icon arrow ivory Quivering Arrow no Unique 18 13% 0.1
Icon razor arrow Razor Arrow yes 13 16.2% 0.1
Icon serpentmen arrow Serpent-man Arrow yes Epic 18 16.2% 0.1
Icon arrow tar Smoke Arrow yes 0% 0.1
Icon snake arrow Snake Arrow yes Hallowed 1 10.8% 0.1
Icon star metal arrow Star Metal Arrow yes Epic 18 16.2% 0.1
Icon razor arrow Steel Arrow yes 11 16.2% 0.1
Icon arrow ivory Voidforge Arrows yes Epic 16 0% 0.05

See Also[]


Repairing Featherlight Bow requires up to:


The Featherlight Bow can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench or the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:

1 If this item is dismantled on the Exiled Lands, you get the same amount of Icon starmetal bar Star Metal Bars instead of the displayed amount of Icon eldarium bar Eldarium or Icon eldarium decayed Decaying Eldarium.
