Conan Exiles Wiki


Training thralls is a time-intensive and laborious task that often results in failure. But the clever transmuter knows that the best solutions are the kind you mix on an alchemist's bench. This potion confers a random number of learned perks upon your thrall.


  • The Elixir of Rebirth is learned after upgrading the Icon sorcery grimoire Tome of Kurak ten times.
  • The Elixir of Rebirth is fed to followers by placing it into their inventory and then selecting Use.
    • This re-rolls all existing perks the follower has earned. It will have no effect on a follower that has not yet gained any perks.
    • Perks acquired from an Elixir of Rebirth are not subject to normal perk requirements, allowing followers to receive perks that they do not qualify for (such as a thrall gaining Blessed, which normally has a limit of 0-500 max health when they have more than 500 health).
    • It is advisable to wait until a follower has unlocked all of their perks before using this potion.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Alchemist's Bench, Improved Alchemist's Bench, Trade Alchemist's Bench, Precision Alchemist's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon round bottomed flask water Water-filled Glass Flask
1 Icon sorcery soulessence Soul Essence
3 Icon alchemical base Alchemical Base
10 Icon demon blood Demon Blood
1 Icon sorcery potion elixirofrebirth Elixir of Rebirth 30 s 2390