Conan Exiles Wiki

Dodging is a maneuver that can be used to quickly roll in a given direction, usually to avoid enemy attacks. Dodging is disabled if the player is overencumbered, unless they have the Beast of Burden perk.

While dodging, the player gains invincibility to damage for 0.35 seconds by default, starting at the beginning of the roll. This is a server setting and can be changed with DodgeInvulnerabilityDuration.

Dodging consists of two stages, a roll and a recovery phase. The base time for a complete dodge is 1.6 seconds, though this is modified by the player's encumbrance and agility. A player must wait for the recovery to finish before they can act again.

Stamina cost[]

The stamina cost of dodging is based on your current maximum stamina and armor weight class, using the following formula:
MaxStamina / (DodgeStaminaCost * WeightModifier) [truncated] = Stamina cost

DodgeStaminaCost is a server setting, it is set to 3.75 by default.

The WeightModifier is determined by the player's current armor weight class as follows:

Armor Modifier
Light 1.4
Medium 1.2
Heavy 1.0
  • Example 1: With light armor and 100 maximum stamina, the dodge roll will cost 19 stamina (100 / (3.75 * 1.4)).
  • Example 2: With medium armor and 100 maximum stamina, the dodge roll will cost 22 stamina (100 / (3.75 * 1.2)).
  • Example 3: With heavy armor and 100 maximum stamina, the dodge roll will cost 26 stamina (100 / (3.75 * 1.0)).
  • Example 4: With heavy armor and 200 maximum stamina, the dodge roll will cost 53 stamina (200 / (3.75 * 1.0)).


The dodge roll lasts for 0.68 seconds and is only affected by encumbrance, though never actually plays for the full base duration, even at maximum carry capacity.

The player also has hyper armor, which makes them immune to all staggering effects, during the roll stage.

The following modifiers are speed multipliers that increase how fast the roll animation plays based on the player's current encumbrance:

Weight Modifier
0% 1.6
50% 1.45
75% 1.25
90% 1.05
  • Example 1: With 25% carry capacity, the dodge roll will last 0.43 seconds (0.68 / 1.6).
  • Example 2: With 85% carry capacity, the dodge roll will last 0.54 seconds (0.68 / 1.25).


The dodge recovery lasts 0.92 seconds and is affected by both encumbrance and agility.

The base speed modifier, with 0 agility, is 1.3. This is increased by 0.085 per point in agility, up to a maximum of 3.0 at 20 agility.

The speed modifier is then multiplied by the following encumbrance modifiers to determine the final recovery speed modifier:

Weight Modifier
0% 1.0
50% 0.925
75% 0.9
90% 0.875
  • Example 1: With 95% carry capacity and 0 agility, the dodge recovery will last 0.81 seconds (0.92 / (1.3 * 0.875)).
  • Example 2: With 55% carry capacity and 10 agility, the dodge recovery will last 0.46 seconds (0.92 / (2.15 * 0.925)).
  • Example 3: With 25% carry capacity and 20 agility, the dodge recovery will last 0.31 seconds (0.92 / (3.0 * 1.0)).