Conan Exiles Wiki
Conan Exiles Wiki


The bone seems to radiate a malign, primeval aura that hints at supernatural origins. While the properties of the bone seem to have passed with the death of the creature, it still makes for an impressive trophy.


  • This item requires the Devolved Fiend Bone Trophy knowledge in order to craft.
    • This knowledge is learned by interacting with the severed fiend bone in the Asylum of the Fiends Vault. It is located to the left of the pool of water encountered after the second flight of stairs down and the second pressure plate (TeleportPlayer 18811 -364707 -429).


Created from the following Recipes Information
Artisan Table, Aquilonian Artisan Table, Argossean Artisan Table, Khitan Artisan Table, Turanian Artisan Table, Nemedian Artisan Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon eldarium plinth Eldarium Plinth
1 Icon devolved fiend bone Devolved Fiend Bone
1 Icon trophy devolved fiendbone Devolved Fiend Bone Trophy 10 s 132000


Repairing Devolved Fiend Bone Trophy requires up to:


The Devolved Fiend Bone Trophy can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench or the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:
