Conan Exiles Wiki


Dagon's Embrace is a large temple complex, that lies on the eastern jungle coast and is a part of the Forgotten City of Xel-ha. The structure consists of several buildings and walls and lies in the east of the Palace of the Witch Queen. The wall embraces a square place, wich is filled with water and land. In the water is a large wreck and on the land are palm and jungle trees. You can reach the complex through three paths, one in the south-west, one in the north-west and through a passageway in the east. The eastern passage lies between two towers in the water. These towers are connected by walls. Inside the tower is a fire bowl, wich enlights the inner of the tower blue-violet.

The meaning of the Tempel is not exactly known. Maybe it was a second port for the royal familiy or for special guests, this would explain the wreck and the fire shells as light signals. The second theory says that this was once a stage or arena for the people, where also sea battles are performed, this theory would explain the proximity to the palace and the wreck in the water.

You encounter many apes on the walls and sometimes near the two towers.


  • You can find three tresure chests inside the water.
  • In the square you can find Puffball Mushroom.
  • You can recognized that this water is passed through a channel to fill the Celestial Plaza with water.

