Conan Exiles Wiki


Minting a currency is a crime punishable by death in almost all of the kingdoms of the Hyborian age. Kings are loathe to give up the power to regulate the currency of the kingdoms.

There was one attempt, years past, to make an independent currency built around the principles of free exchange and free markets. Unfortunately, the necromancer who invented the idea was executed before it could take root and his crypt-o-currency was forgotten.



Created from the following Recipes Information
Casting Table
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
15 Icon iron bar Iron Bar 1 Icon coin mould Coin Mold 10 s 1


Used in the following Recipes Information
Casting Table
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon gold bar Gold Bar
1 Icon coin mould Coin Mold 1
30 Icon gold coin Gold Coin 5 s 1
1 Icon silver bar Silver Bar
1 Icon coin mould Coin Mold 1
30 Icon silver coin Silver Coin 5 s 1

1 Item is not consumed!
