Conan Exiles Wiki

Chat commands

Chat commands[1]
Action Command Function Example Display
Local Channel /s or
+ Spacebar to swap to the local channel. - -
Clan Channel /c or
+ Spacebar to swap to the clan channel. - -
Global Channel /g or
+ Spacebar to swap to the global channel. - -
Action Command /me [text] To describe what your character is doing/thinking. /me begins to threaten Razma with a tuna. "Conan begins to threaten Razma with a tuna."
Use an emote /emote [emote_name] To use an emote. /emote wave
Change Font Size /fontsize [size_in_points] To change the size of the chat font. /fontsize 10
Channel Name /showchannelname Displays the channel's name. - -
Time Stamp /showtimestamp Displays the channel's time. - -
Personal Info /whoami Lists your in-game ID, clan, character name and steam name. - -
Help /help Lists all chat commands.
(the /dice command will not appear in the list).
Dice Rolling
(Variant A)
/roll a b Produces an output in local chat where you roll a dice.
a: lowest number.
b is the highest)
/roll 1 100:
will roll a random number from 1 to 100 in local chat.
"[Playername] rolled a 4 (1-100)."
Dice Rolling
(Variant B)
/dice a b Produce a combined output of having rolled multiple dice.
a: number of dice.
b: number of sides on the dice
/dice 2 6 "[Playername] rolled a 7 (2d6)"
(where 7 is the actual result, and the 2d6 means “two six-sided dice”.)