Each time your character levels up, you will receive additional attribute points (AP). You may allocate these points across any attributes you choose to customize your character. There are significant bonuses to be earned as you reach various levels of any given attribute. In game, you may hover over any attribute to read more about these bonuses and the perks table below details those.
The maximum AP is earned at level 60 at the rate of 1 AP per level. At that point, you will have a total of 60 AP and you will not earn any more thereafter. This is an intentional design feature of the game. You cannot maximize all attributes and instead you will need to find a balance of attributes that serves your play style. It will cost you 20 AP just to max out one attribute, meaning you can completely max out three attributes.
You may reset your attribute points at any time by consuming a Potion of Bestial Memory.
At attribute level 10 and 20, you get to choose from two perks.
List of Attributes[]
- Strength "determines the damage that you do with strength based weapons and slightly increases how much you can carry."
- +5% damage with strength-based weapons per point.
- Ex: Strength of 10 provides an additional 50% damage to melee attacks.
- Damage is rounded to the nearest whole number.
- Does not affect concussive damage.
- +0.5% damage with agility-based weapons per point.
- +3 carry weight per point
- +5% damage with strength-based weapons per point.
- Agility "determines the damage that you do with agility based weapons, helps you act after a dodge and slightly increases the size of your stamina pool."
- +5% damage with agility-based weapons per point.
- Faster time to act (strike, shoot, etc.) after a dodge.
- +0.5% damage with strength-based weapons per point.
- +1 stamina per point.
- Vitality "determines the size of your health pool." Regeneration is used to refill your supply of health.
- +10% of base health (+20 health at 200 base health) per point.
- Ex: Vitality of 10 provides 200 health points to your character's base of 200 health.
- +10% of base health (+20 health at 200 base health) per point.
- Authority "determines the amount of damage your followers deal and the amount of concussive damage you deal."
- +4% follower damage per point (lethal damage only).
- +6% concussive damage per point.
- Grit "determines the size of your stamina pool and has a direct effect on armor".
- +3 stamina per point.
- +8 armor per point
- Ex: Grit of 10 provides 30 stamina points to your character's base of 100 stamina.
- Expertise "determines the maximum weight you can carry." (Carrying more than your max makes the player over encumbered.)
- +15 max carry weight per point.
- Ex: Expertise of 10 provides 150 points to your character's base of 70 max carry weight.
- +15 max carry weight per point.
Corrupted Attributes[]
Players draw power from Corruption and corrupt their attributes. Corrupting an attribute requires players to have at least Heavy corruption (40% corruption or more) as well as Soul Essence, 1 Essence per point. Corrupting a perk will result in the character getting new Corrupted perks that will replace the old perk. Corrupted perks tend to be much more powerful. However, corrupting an attribute also results in 2.5% of permanent Corruption (this corruption only only be cleansed by resetting attributes). Meaning fully corrupting a single attribute, will result in player suffering 50% permanent corruption. However, since permanent Corruption is capped at 50%, a character can corrupt all attributes with the same maximum penalty.
Currently only Strength, Vitality and Authority can be corrupted.
Followers do not get Authority or Expertise. The bonuses provided per point by their other attributes vary depending on the follower, e.g. 1 point of vitality will give a different amount of health. The effects of the followers' current attributes can be seen on their status screens.
- Strength: increases damage caused by strength-based weapons. All pets use strength-based weapons (including rhino mount horn attacks*), even those with ranged attacks.
- Agility: increases damage caused by agility-based weapons, which only thralls (not pets) can be equipped with. On mounts, this also affects the aiming reticle for mounted archery.
- Vitality: increases health.
- Grit: increases natural armor rating. This is far more useful on pets than thralls, as pets cannot be equipped with armor.
* Trampling is also supposed to be a strength-based attack, however, the mount checks for its mount's strength, and since mounts do not have mounts, it always returns a 0.
Mounts do not benefit from any bonuses provided by the player, such as their Authority or +follower damage gear.
Truncheons are not strength- or agility-based weapons and will gain no bonus from those attributes, however, thralls' melee/ranged damage multipliers do affect concussive damage.
For perks gained by followers, see Follower Perks. |
While perks are granted through specific attributes, the perks themselves function the same regardless whether the weapon being used is Strength or Agility.
Perks | 5+ | 10+ | 15+ | 20+ |
Strength |
Heavy Blows
Any status effects caused by a heavy attack, such as Bleeding, Poison, or even Noxious Gas from a charged Noxious Gas Arrow, will also benefit from the damage increase. |
Combo Master
Any damage caused by the player counts, including sources such as Bleeding, Poison, or Noxious Gas. |
Blood-mad Berseker
Any damage caused by the player counts, including sources such as Bleeding, Poison, or Noxious Gas. |
Second Skin
Crushing Swings
| |||
Corrupted |
+1% per point of corrupted strength. |
Mule Kick
Reduces enemy damage by 25% for 4 seconds. |
5% chance. |
Agility |
Behind is 180° wide. |
Dead Shot
"Distant" is about the length of six foundations. |
Running speed +10% |
Extended Leap
Precision Strike
Medium load = <75%. |
Rolling Thrust
| |||
Vitality |
Fierce Vitality
Last Stand
Fast Healer
Causes healing buffs from sources such as food, potions, bandages, to heal 50% more. |
Glutton for Punishment
20% of damage is healed every three seconds. | |||
Corrupted |
Grotesque Excrescence
+0.2 health regeneration per point of corrupted vitality. |
Twisted Flesh
+0.5% chance per point of corrupted vitality. |
Poison effects include Alcohol Poisoning, Food Poisoning, and Noxious Gas. |
Tainted Vessel
Inflicts 30 damage. |
Authority |
Triples followers' threat generation from attacks. |
Commanding Presence
Causes followers to heal equal to 5% of raw damage inflicted by the player before any perks, damage reduction, or debuffs are taken into account. |
Attentive Care
Causes healing buffs from sources such as food, potions, bandages, to heal 50% more. |
Gives active followers +20 to all attributes. |
Healthy Diet
+10 health regeneration after 10 seconds of not taking damage. |
War Party
Increases maximum normal active combat followers to 2 or zombie followers to 4. | |||
Corrupted |
Frenzy lasts for 10 seconds after the player inflicts damage. |
Flesh Bond
Causes 33% of actual damage inflicted against the player, after all damage reduction effects, to be transferred to every follower. |
Causes the player to heal equal to 2% of raw damage inflicted by followers before any perks, damage reduction, or debuffs are taken into account. |
Odds to summon a demonic entity is 7%. |
Grit |
Defensive Posture
Shield Master
Steel Thewed
| |||
Expertise |
Hunger/thirst actually deplete 50% slower, not 33%. |
Efficient Harvest
Hard Worker
Beast of Burden
Careful Harvest
Structural Integrity
- The original attributes, prior to the Age of Sorcery 3.0 update, were Strength, Agility, Vitality, Accuracy, Grit, Encumbrance, Survival, which spelled "SAVAGES". This was an idea of Joel Bylos, according to a Steam user.[1]
- During the development of 3.0, the attributes of Authority and Expertise were preliminary called Charisma and Craftsmanship, but these were renamed before launch so that they could still spell "SAVAGE".