Conan Exiles Wiki


Pity the mistaken few who confuse the chittering 'laughter' of the hyena for having anything to do with mirth. Instead, the high-pitched giggle sound indicates aggression and irritation in the hulking scavengers. While trained hyenas are a rare sight, they are tenacious hunters and will pursue marked prey across great distances.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Hand crafted
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon pet HyenaStriped Hyena (Variant A)
1 Icon pet food battlepass Sorcerous Pet Food
1 Icon pet sorcery armoredhyena battlepass Armored Hyena (Pet) 3 s 112
1 Icon pet HyenaSpotted Hyena (Variant B)
1 Icon pet food battlepass Sorcerous Pet Food
1 Icon pet sorcery armoredhyena battlepass Armored Hyena (Pet) 3 s 112


Preferred Food Strength Agility Vitality Grit Nutrition
Icon meat-1 Savoury Flesh +7% +7% 1 health/sec
Icon fatty meat Raw Pork +14% 1 health/sec
Icon human flesh Human Flesh +14% 2 health/sec
Icon raw tough meat Exotic Flesh +14% 3 health/sec
Icon perfect cut of meat Exquisite Meat +14% 4 health/sec
Icon tainted flesh Abysmal Flesh +14% 6 health/sec
Icon pet food Shadespiced Raw Stringy Meat +7% +7% 7 health/sec
Icon salted savory meat Savory Jerky +7% +7% 8 health/sec
Icon meat strips Meat Strips +7% +7% 9 health/sec
Icon spiced slivers Spiced Slivers +7% +7% 10 health/sec

See Also[]
