Conan Exiles Wiki


In the Exiled Lands, armor can range from the bone and feathers of the Darfari to the heavy plate worn by members the Silent Legion. Due to cultural stylings, many of these armors include elements that are not necessary to the primary purpose of armor - protection.

This kit contains various tools for identifying and removing additional weight from a set of armor, while still maintaining its protective properties.


  • Applying this kit will decrease the weight of the armor to 40% of its current weight.
  • Because it is percentage based, there is no upgraded version of this kit.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Tinker's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
10 Icon plant fiber-1 Plant Fiber
5 Icon ingredient rope Twine
1 Icon modkit arm reduceWeight Armor Reduction Kit 10 s 135

See Also[]
